Things suck right now. One thing Nita is sure of: she can afford to stay at Milliways for a while to help deal with this. And if there's any possibility that the demon got a foot in her mental door, she's not going back to her own world to let it loose there. She supposes that means she'll be spending a lot of time sleeping in booths, given that the demon is most likely upstairs. Or better yet, not sleeping. She's going to get pretty tired of coffee, but--
I've got your boy. Upstairs.
The note arrives with her coffee and sits there on the surface of the Bar, waiting for her to pick it up. It's written on plain white paper -- not a napkin, like the notes Bar gives out. The handwriting isn't anything she recognizes.
I've got your boy.
"Oh no you fucking don't," she whispers, and whirls towards the stairs.