Oct 03, 2007 11:11
But I am alive and kicking.
Not much to say but a lot has gone on if you know what I mean, random things, time off which led to through the night painting sessions, only seeing the boy for a couple of days on our week off - but that will be to our advantage in the long run.
Erm, I'm OK, weight loss isn't happening, should be called weight gain. Have put on 5 1/2 pounds since I reached my 2 stone mark, and can't get back into it that well. Although I have been this last week, so I guess tonight will tell. Mind you I have god the dreaded "ladies demon" and going on past experiences it could go wither way. Whatever. At least I know I've tried this week.
Went bowling with some friends on Thursday which suddenly turned into a "boys versus girls" situation, playing for sexual favours. S was grinning from ear to ear as I'm absolutely fucking shite at bowling, but I did manage to surprise everyone by almosting beating them. By like 3 points which was phenominal for me. The second game didn't go the same way, however, so yes, I've paid of only one of my debts as I didn't actually agree to any of it ;)
Re-decorated the pub on teh week off as S was busy doing private jobs, so I would only have been bored sat at home (OK, so I could have sorted out the entire house but I'm not the only one who lives there nor do I make much of the mess (apart from shoes and bags been everywhere!!) so I refused to do it on my own). If I see another paint brush or roller anytime soon I won't be impressed. Although and yes, I DO say this myself it does look good. Pool table has gone, and been replaced by leather tub chairs and stools and has so far been a very successful move.
We've also moved the 42" screen from behind the bar (where it showed the security camera footage) to where the fish tank was, and put the fish tank where the screen was (fish tank was originally where the screen was but when we got the cameras we had a move around), so not only can you watch your sport in comfort on the new leather cahirs, we're also putting a playstation there if it's really quiet or nothing's on you can have a "challenge" with your mates. Already organised a Fifa 08 challenge day, which is filling up fast!
So yeah.
Nothing much about me. OH mum and dad went away end of September, and the second day there dad got his wallet stolen, £700 nicked. Usually my dad is very anal about how much money he takes out, and normally wears a money belt, but they went to get some duty free fags for mum, and the shop they went to said they couldn't sell them the amount they wanted all in one day, which is why they had so much cash on them. It was cash left over from another holiday, but that's not the point. My dad was livid. Mum thought he was going to have another heart attack he was getting so wound up. But she managed to calm him down. I must admit I have N-E-V-E-R heard my dad swear like he did when he was telling me about it.
So, fat club tonight, then cooking a curry, waiting for S to get home (yup, he's working again bless him - almost as bad as me!) then chilling, dvd and to bed. Had a lush night on Monday, was in bed just after 10pm.
Happy belated birthday to anyone I missed while away/busy.
And I hope everyone on my f/list is well :)
(well everyone in general really, but especially those on my f/list :)