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Jan 08, 2005 17:55

Mystery Angel.

What Ultimate Kind of Angel Are You? (LOTS of results!)
brought to you by Quizilla Am I an Angel? Do Angels cry? I don't think they do it often..I thought I would fight my pain and win..but it's still inside..and memories keep ghosting my mind..I'm sick and tired of this..Can't the past be erased? Ok..I know..What's done is done and what was felt was felt..but it could be forgotten.. My pain is my past..I'm sick of it! JUST LEAVE! JUST LEAVE!! I DON'T WANT TO FEEL YOU HERE!!ANYMORE!!! ANY MORE!! Stop f*****g up my mind, my present, my life, my love! You don't exist anymore in my life! You're no longer part of me. My love won't be ghosted by you! It is too strong to be broken by you. I'll fight you and you will lose, this time! I love this girl who's with me! And she loves me and she doesn't care about my future, since I find happiness with it! You no longer exist! You no longer rule or ruin me! I won't feel you again because I D-O-N-T W-A-N-T T-O! You're nothing else but a vague smoke inside me, poisoning my existence from within! You'll lose! You'll disappear! And I'll no longuer bother or piss myself off beacuse of you! Amo-Te Yolanda! O nosso amor n será abalado pelos meus maus passados! Eu confio no teu amor por mim e podes confiar no meu, porque nnc vou deixar d Te amar é contigo k kero ficar até ao fim da minha vida! Tu és tudo para mim! Amo-Te PARA SEMPRE! Desculpem este meu desabafo..Obrigado por voces tds! Obrigado por ti, Yola! Hey, fishy fishy! I love You! *@*
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