Oookay, I had a very strange entry last time @___@ .... but today will be perfectly normal ^^;
I saw my good friend Edelene (from HS) in the bus today!
We talked a lot about our lives and some stuff about the college. After recalling the awful things which happened to me, it's a good way to start the day with a smile and your shoulder leaning on your friend's.
At the entrance of the school, we saw EJ, another friend who was my classmate during 2nd year HS. :D
Today, I met a good professor. She teaches Filipino 2: Language and Literature (though I've taken this up before, this subject was not credited by the school :c). She was very kind to me, though she looked intimidating to me. I wasn't late in her subject. The truth is, I was the first person to enter the room and to open the lights. Really.
We started the class with a prayer. Everyone will get the chance to lead the prayer by alphabetical order so I think I should prepare a good one for the class.
The last time I made a prayer for the class, my Filipino 1 prof in Mapua was a bit impressed and she made me lead a prayer during the Filipino week programme. Ohohoho.
Majority of the Filipino 2 class are Mass Communication students (majoring in print and broadcast journalism). Apparently, they have prepared written reactions about a documentary they saw last meeting when I was absent. =__=; Great, strike one. Before passing the papers, the prof asked questions about the importance of literature and more. She began calling random students. Suddenly, she called my surname. She read the list quickly, then blinked her eyes in surprise.
"You're in first year."
"Yes, ma'am."
"And you're taking up Fine Arts."
"I'm a transferee."
"Have you watched the documentary?"
"No, ma'am."
"You can sit down."
After that short conversation, my name will be glued on her mind. @___@ She called me again twice for a recitation about things regarding communication and messages. And she continued to include my course when she's giving examples to the class. It was sweet, though I'm the only one taking that up, she still includes it in her explanations. :D And yeah, we had another irregular student who is taking up Nutrition.
The class which started at 7:30 AM ended by 9:00 AM. I was nervous because the next class is on the other building! I have to walk down the stairs, go through the canteen during the elementary school's recess and climb another flight of stairs to the 3rd floor to reach Philippine History class in time. Literally, I ran. And I was huffing and puffing when I entered the room.
But alas, the people there are in hysterics. A mobile phone was stolen and they were suspecting that someone from their block is the culprit. I didn't ask them what really was happening but I was pretty sure I had the right idea (as I've heard some of those lines before). So there, I sat by the corner and doodled silently. The nearest girl to me asked me if it's my first time to go to class. I nodded. She told me to hang in there as they are trying to solve it as soon as possible.
Then, the class is cancelled. O__o; The same happened to Euthenics 2. So, no classes from 9 AM onwards. WHUT.
Anyway, I passed some time at Torre Lorenzo where I once worked. Ate Wendy from the neighboring shop even waved hello to me. :D
By 12:45 PM, I got up and rode the LRT to Mapua (but the train was late)!
Because I asked my good friends to have lunch with them (they go home at 1:30 PM), I braved the weird looks people gave to me while walking down Intramuros. Heh. It was funny, I wasn't really comfortable with people looking at me but this time, it felt... okay. @__@
People kept looking at me (because of the uniform) until I reached the 4th floor of the South Building. And men, the locker area is super crowded. Bhino managed to recognize me while I asked him if he has seen Grazie and Mandy. Of course, they were standing in front of their lockers. Hugging ensued as we missed each other. XD
Darwin asked for my mobile phone number for........ animé updates. ^^; And he said he'll be asking for some animé CDs he can borrow from me. :D Some former classmates smiled at me and greeted me warmly. Some who I'm not even close to said hi to me. ^^;
Walking to the eatery and lunch time are fun, though Elpee and Mandy had some misfortunes. Ohoho. And Adiel was funny, too. :P
Here's a little picture after gobbling up lunch:
Mandy, Grazie and Yunisee in white blouse ohoho (my cheeks, so fat)
Thank you for coming along, Elpee-chan!
I rode the bus home together with Mandy and her friend. We took an airconditioned bus because it was sooooooo hot. I got home by 5 PM.
I'm hoping something as good as this will happen again. *is tired*