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Jan 23, 2010 21:07

Can someone please explain to me what the fuck this guy is trying to say? This was posted on facebook in a reply to my cousin post where in she protests the repeal of same sex marriage in Massachusetts.

Kyle Douglas
What truly bothers me is that people don't care about love anymore, don't care about faith or hope anymore, but they only care about pieces of insignificant paper that cannot change the outcome of someone's life; they only care about PERCEPTION of them by outside sources. IT saddens me that loving someone is no longer a matter of "I don't care what people think....I still love you" but its become a matter of letting everybody know you love your significant other by showering them with gifts that make their appearance better in the eyes of peers and those that see you together or by yourselves. Everyone is so prideful and heterosexuals and homosexuals alike are just so arrogant and selfish that I think, personally, the system of marriage should be abolished and society should just be left to die, since people constantly worry about our culture's new most prized possession; GOOD APPEARANCE. While worrying about that, we have have forgotten to worry about the important things, little things called "life" and "death." Instead, people are wasting hours away making pseudo-intellectual "witty" signs and protesting in the street with other brainless people, arguing about the logistics of a DEFINED system. Those idiots include the people that say "God didn't want gays to marry; homosexuality is unnatural, etc" which is false; marriage isn't a religious institution, and homosexuality exists in animals, but AMONG these idiots ALSO includes those that say "Denying gays marriage is giving straight people SPECIAL RIGHTS." Both these sides are wrong in what they say, and if homosexuals really want to become married, the only way to do so is simple; MAKE YOUR OWN INSTITUTION; it is VERY possible, but what they are doing by arguing FOR SPECIAL RIGHTS and is unfair considering the nature of these unions.

"PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS!" Hmm, this is an illogical statement when attributed to the situation at hand. You commit a VERY SIMPLE logical fallacy by saying that; how is marriage a RIGHT when TWO people, NOT ONE, enter into it? A right is bestowed upon ONE SINGLE person in a society, and it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to insinuate that somebody gets a so-called "special right FOR ENTERING INTO SOMETHING WITH SOMEBODY ELSE; that is illogical and impossible, and cannot exist in metaphysical theory, negating this accusation. People are just riding the Obama-Democratic war train usning PURELY EMOTIONAL RHETORIC. This type of rhetoric embarrasses our nation, which is based upon LOGIC and not emotional appeals, for A REPUBLIC is based off the Logic utilized by Plato and Socrates, and said rhetoric dumbs our nation down and makes them think emotionally and not logically about things like same-sex marriage, allowing them to be tricked by THE MOST SIMPLE logical fallacies; extreme emotions blind people to the truth, and BY YOUR LOGIC you are ONLY arguing for the ACCEPTANCE of gays in our society, which has ALREADY happened, although not CULTURALLY, as many "cultures" in America still dislike homosexuals. EVERY SINGLE same-sex marriage argument has nothing to do with marriage, and EVERY TIME is just some shitty emotional appeal that only argues for acceptance, fallaciously, relating that to marriage.

People always say "marriage is a right" but that's completely wrong and is just a disguised meaning; marriage is a REWARD, albeit a small one compared to the emotional rewards you receive from loving your family, for partaking in a union that FOR THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF YEARS has produced children, kept society together and gave us a history; THIS WOULD NOT have happened if humankind had begun as same-sex lovers, and this is why society rewards those that help to further and perfect the gene pool by participating in marriage; by promoting marriage, people are more likely to settle down, procreate and have a family that will themselves have children, and therefore the male-female model is the only thing that the "entity" of society can promote, since all that this entity wants is to continue on existing. The one thing required for society to continue is procreation, therefore, I'll say it again, the entity of Society MUST promote the male-female model of marriage or else Society will be promoting something counter-intuitive and here is your ULTIMATE logical fallacy of necessitation; PROMOTION OF ONE THING DOES NOT NECESSITATE THE NEGATION AND PREJUDICE OF ANOTHER. By promoting people to go to colleg and get an education, SOCIETY does not negate and act AGAINST the interests of those that enter into the work field without attending college; they just DON'T receive the aid they would have gotten by doing it the proper way which gives someone an educational edge.. ... See More

I want to repeal the law because SAME-SEX MARRIAGE is granting SPECIAL rights for something that does not meet the criteria for marriage and is A TEXTBOOK CASE OF A SLIPPERY SLOPE ARGUMENT in CLASSICAL RHETORIC; a relationship that can POSSIBLY produce a child IS A MARRIAGE, NOT a relationship that can't. This is NOT OPINION BUT FACT; people need to learn that opinions are only "FACTS" THAT CANNOT BE PROVEN and, therefore, a POLICY ARGUMENT AND SUBSEQUENT LAW CANNOT be made on pure opinion and speculation but ONLY CONCRETE FACT; what kind of law is concrete and binding WHEN IT IS JUST OPINION? Look at the pathetic nature of drug laws; they are all BASED ON OPINION and people don't like that. A homosexual civilization performing homosexual actions CANNOT maintain a society through procreation, therefore how can that union be considered a marriage and still be fair to those that can produce children BY MEETING THE SPECIFIC CRITERIA LAID OUT? How can you possibly complain when the criteria HAS BEEN CONCRETELY STATED and they CHOOSE TO NOT meet it? THEY MADE THE FUCKING CHOICE TO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE just like people pursue job opportunities through resources OTHER THAN the American College System; going through college you CHOOSE to meet the criteria, whereas through jobs you CHOOSE NOT to meet the criteria; they are just DIFFERENT PATHS with different outcomes.

You are making the biggest mistake and attributing marriage to love; that is 100% FACTUALLY NOT TRUE. Love has nothing to do with marriage, for it is only a means BY WHICH TO GET MARRIED. People have gotten married out of convenience all the time, and the ultimate goal of calling a male-female HOUSEHOLD UNION a "marriage" is to promote procreation. BY NOT CALLING THE UNION OF TWO MEN A MARRIAGE, homosexuals (you wanna say I'm closed minded? Stop calling them gay; that's a derogatory term that was adopted by LGBT groups but I still don't like the term) are not being treated unfairly at all in the sense of marriage, REGARDLESS of the fact that they are normal people who can easily raise a child just as well as any straight couple. I have gay friends who I would rather raise a child than friends I have that actually HAVE children and fail at raising them, but this does not make it a marriage.

In conclusion, marriage DOES NOT grant somebody power over another NOR does it change your worth in society. Marriage IS NOT a measure of worth at all, but is instead a government, sponsored institution created SOLELY for the purpose of urging people to partake in the "American Dream" of procreation and relaxing with your wife, children and later one, their children. This is all done to futher society and continue society; you people should be out their NOT TRYING To argue Policy Arguments; I DO NOT SEE A SINGLE ONE OF YOU WITH A LAW OR POLITICS DEGREE, therefore what makes you think you would have any idea about the outcomes and genesis of such laws? You should be out there protesting the equality of so-called "gays". WHAT I FIND ATROCIOUS is that every homosexual is called "gay" and is depicted as some little fairy prancing around everywhere, talking with a lisp, etc, and this bothers me more than the marriage thing.

Maybe its the paint fumes but... Bwhaaaaa?
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