Time spent

May 17, 2012 08:16

It's definitely kinda funny/interesting how you can spend a lot of time coloring a picture and making it look nice, and it doesn't get much attention, but a rushed doodle, or something naughty, will get a lot more attention. 8D

People get upset about that and I'm glad I don't. X3 There are plenty of clean pictures people love looking at and noticing - the majority of the images out there people like are! And if something's clean some are less interested, but if something's dirty others are less interested. I think it's kinda even enough. Or luckily most people might not mind dirty ones, whatever.

Anyway, I think if something's fun and interesting, people will like it. Maybe that'll be fan art, or something dirty, or something rushed - if people like it that's great news! If they're not as into other stuff, then maybe you just need to find a way to make it more engaging for others. Because I know lookin' at my stuff, I can pretty much agree with how much attention some things get in comparison to others. The things I can really stand by usually did get a good amount of notice, and the more blah sorta doodles where people can't really find something to respond with, I totally understand as being harder to say anything about or even look at in detail. 8D

...I had 20 minutes to draw this morning and I can't focus on drawing. X3 Time for work now. Boop.
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