Art Work and Writing

Feb 28, 2010 16:28

So today I found some of my art work that had not been totally destroyed by water damage. It has water marks on it but you can still see the images so that made me smile.

Work has been going fine but I really don't have all that much to do right now. I have already finished 4 projects and I am working on two more right now.

I started writing a novel, and I have 55 pages so far. I really want to draw a manga. I have done two episodes before and done some covers for it but I really want to delve into the story. I am just concerned that my drawing may not be that good. And since the story includes mobile suits in it I have no idea how I am going to draw those.

I bought a printer yesterday and I had to update my MAC OS so that it would read the settings. It was annoying since I had to buy a new operating system which I actually didn't need and then I deleted iTunes off the machine because I thought it would save space but of course it did not.

Another one of the contractors did not get extended but I think she was messing up her work and had a bad attitude. One of them did but two didn't so that makes me hopeful that they will extend me if I do a good job. My team lead has said that I have been doing good so far, there have been some minor things from the big boss but those were more learning stuff and really were not a problem. This place has the same 18 month rule that I had at my last job that you can only be a contractor for 18 months and then they have to hire you or you have to go out for 6 months. My contract is only 6 months so it will be up in june but I really dont want to be looking for a job again in June.

I like writing but I really want to draw out the story. I was able to find a few manga pages that I had drawn that were not ruined by the water but they were few and far between, I just hope that I can get into it again because I have not drawn anything in a while actually and I wonder if I still have the ability to do so.

I really don't have much to do at work. I mean I have meetings but not much work to do since I have already written the Functional Design Specs and I need to wait for the database guys to finish their designs before I can add some of their items into my design. Otherwise I have nothing to do. I just hope writing can keep me busy for now but I feel bad that I dont really have any work to do. One of the other contractors that did not get extended, he actually up and quit and I had to take over all his work without a proper hand off but I was able to come up to speed by myself. He wrote a 200 page book while at work - which can not be a good thing. If I feel bad for having done all my work already, really there is nothing much more I can do but read some XML schemas and see if I can find some elements and put them in my design. Otherwise I have finished everything else for now.

Well enough of my whining. Back I go to writing. I actually have been writing all morning so I dont really want to write for the rest of the night but I have a story in my head and it has to come out so I have to put it somewhere so I might as well while away the time otherwise I will get bored.


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