(no subject)

Sep 12, 2005 12:29

Now, don’t it always seem to go… that you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone?

Today was possibly one of the best days in my life. God, merely thinking about it makes me get all sentimental and teary-eyed. And really, the theme of today really resonates with the “Big Yellow Taxi” quote: “you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone” or until you take a moment and realize how you’re blessed…

This summer, I was excited and bummed all at the same time. I decided to work full-time this summer, just to save up money for college and for the future in general. It was definitely both hell and bliss because while I did have extra money to shell out for that movie or going out to dinner with random people, I didn’t really have extra time on my hands to see the people I really wanted to see. August came and loads of my friends left for college… I didn’t even get a change to see them off. So, as my job neared the end, boy was I EXCITED to start getting to see people. It was like finally I could spend quality time with the people I loved… why not take a road trip? I was so excited for this road trip, I couldn’t even begin to tell you. I had missed the road trip at the beginning of the summer, so I thought this could be the one that compensated for it. PLUS, this would be our last hangout before all of them (or most of my closest friends) left for college AND it would kind of be a little birthday celebration for me and Joey. Too bad I couldn’t go. I was so pissed, sad, upset… I was waiting for the end of the summer to be great: I could hang out with my friends and really enjoy our time before we all left. And now I can’t even go on this stupid road trip. Whatever… I tried to make up for it by keeping myself busy: visiting SI, and meeting up with friends. It was awesome seeing those people, but I still missed my other friends. I tried to meet up with them when they came back, but couldn’t. Their last weekend at home, I couldn’t see them … I had a stupid family birthday lunch to go to and then I had to baby-sit. Who baby-sits? Apparently I do. Needless to say, my week (and weekend) was looking to be pretty shitty. AND my friends weren’t going to be able to celebrate my 18th with me…

The night before the luncheon, I had a busy day and a busy night… I ended up getting home late and had a sluggish morning. My mom woke me up way too early for the luncheon, which I was reluctant to go to. I wasn’t feeling well and I really wished I had gone on the trip. Still, I got dressed, got myself ready, and drove to the city. Little did I know what exactly awaited me. My aunt was acting really spastic… that’s all I know. She kept calling and calling and calling my mom… and it was getting me agitated because I was like DAMN! We’re COMING already!!! So… I was glad to finally get to the restaurant. It was really fancy and pretty cool to have a family birthday celebration. In my head, I was definitely thinking of my friends…

God, I wish my friends could’ve been here, I thought while I walked to our table. When I finally got to the table, I saw my parents and my uncle, clapping. Wait… WTF? What’s my dad doing with a video camera? SURPRIIIIIIIIISE!!!! To my left were all my closest friends, the ones I was sure I wouldn’t be able to see. I was definitely starting to cry because this was one of the B E S T gifts ever. I got to see the people I loved the most celebrating my birthday. That moment when I saw everyone stand up and surprise me… I can’t put into words how I felt. It was a surge of appreciation, embarrassment, sheer happiness, but most of all love. I realized then how much I truly loved each and every one of them and how blessed I really am to have so many friends (and family) who love me so much. During lunch and afterwards, I found something that banished all doubts. I knew for sure that despite how far apart or how much time passes, we’ll all still be close. These friends, MY friends, are the ones that I can call after 10 years and still be able to laugh and share my deepest secrets to. These are the friends who I can look to for advice, support, or anything I need. These are the friends who make me laugh with a single look. These friends are my family, my strength, my love. I hate to be cheesy, but this is from the bottom of my heart. Seeing my friends today was possibly one of the greatest moments of my life because of the most important people in my life. I can’t believe I doubted us being able to keep together during college. Now I know we’ll still be together even if we do grow apart. Maybe we won’t be as intimate or in touch with each other’s lives as we were in high school, but I know for ME… these people have left deep impacts upon my heart, my mind, and my soul. I’m sure I won’t ever find anyone exactly like them in college, but who cares? You can only take so much Joey in your life, you know? =P

As summer ends and as my friends leave within the next week, I can now look at them not so much with sad, teary eyes, but with excited, hopeful ones for their bright futures which are intertwined with mine. I’m so blessed to have you guys in my life. Thanks so much for the best birthday! I love you with all my heart… MIKE JONES!!!!

Don't you forget about me
I'll be alone dancing, you know it, baby
Going to take you apart
I'll put us back together at heart, baby

Don't you forget about me
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't you forget about me
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