ahhh... 'tis sweet to be greeted with open arms by those i love and miss so much. so THANK YOU mike, beanz, & rache. it felt good to get those new emails & be like.... oOh LJ comment?! haha.
UPDATES ON MY LIFE: (are as follows)
- getting wisdom teeth pulled on Saturday, July 22nd, 2005. all four teeth will be extracted. yuck.
- possibly buying a new phone. my phone is JANKY. no color screen nor camera phone. yeah, laugh all you want.
- went to my (last?) cotillion and got to see =The 8=.
- got my hair cut shorter.
Now, i will go into detail about each one. awesome.
wisdom teeth extraction: this is set on the 22nd of july. boy am i not
ready for this. gross. i'll have four holes in my
mouth. that will never be filled again with fleshy, pink
gums. i will have food stuck in those little pockets for the rest
of my life. GROSS. i also hopefully will not get chipmunk
cheeks, a common side effect. i wonder how much pain i'll be
in. hopefully not too much. but, i'll get meds for
it. we'll see. i'll be sure to take before/after pics for
all you picture whores. (i now know how to post pictures on this
site. thanks, myspace. you effin' bitch. jk) so
yeah. wish me luck. leave me a message, if you choose to do
so... unless....
buying a new phone: makes
that difficult. i'm buying a new phone. it's wonderful
making your own money. and not a little petty $300 check for the
summer. no. but it's wonderful. i hope to get a
little screen on the outside of my phone that tells me all sorts of
goodies because i now have a janky clicking phone that you must OPEN to
see if you have missed calls. it doesn't ring very loud nor does
it vibrate. so what's the use of a tone-less, vibrate-less
phone? i don't know. ppl also have difficulty hearing
me. wtf. alright you stupid phone. i'm ready to get
rid of you. it's been 2 yrs. geeeez.
cacky's cotillion: i went
to my friend, cacky (pronounced: khaki)'s cotillion last
night. it was EXTRAVAGANT. i still liked nina's better. probably because i was in it and it was easier, knowing ppl. i met up with =The 8=
there. it had been like 3 months since we had seen each
other. it was good times, especially because we have that
we're-bullimic-we-can-read-minds thing going on. oh man and i
kept spitting on emps that was
funny. "oh i love this song" definitely was said like 20 million
times (if you know me, you know i say that about EVERY song made for
mankind). we got hyphy on the dancefloor, watching ppl try to
dance, to crazy thizz-face dancers... it was cool. i also scored
a wine glass and 2 little bottle thingies with sand & shells.
i scored pics... and i met this guy who's going to davis. he's
our official driver-picture-taker-man. cool.
hair cut: yeah i got a hair cut. it's a little shorter, a little curlier, and yeah. cool.
Now i shall entertain you with a cut. stolen from rache.
[ ] Tall
[ ] In between
[x] Short
[ ] Blonde
[ ] Redhead
[x] Brunette
[x] Black
[ ] Blue-eyed
[x] Brown-eyed
[ ] Green-eyed
[ ] Hazel eyed
[ ] Gold/gray eyed
[ ] Black-eyed
[x] Glasses
[x] Contacts
[ ] Braces
[x] Retainer CAN'T SEE IT THO
[ ] Freckles
[x] Piercing(s)
[ ] Tattoos
[ ] Long hair
[ ] Short hair
[x] Med. hair
Your nationality includes...
[ ] Chinese
[ ] Indian
[ ] Taiwanese
[ ] Japanese
[ ] Hispanic
[ ] Nicoya
[ ] Puerto rican
[ ] Chicana
[ ] Italian
[ ] Scottish
[x] Filipino
[ ] Dutch
[ ] French
[ ] German
[ ] Irish
[ ] Greek
[ ] Portuguese
[ ] Polish
[ ] Korean
[ ] Jamacian
[ ] Canadian
[ ] Lithuanian
[ ] Native American
[ ] Russian
[ ] British
[ ] African
[ ] Australian
[ ] Swedish
[ ] Other
Your favorite color(s) are?
[ ] Red
[x] Pink
[ ] Yellow
[ ] Black
[x] Green
[ ] Blue
[ ] White
[ ] Silver
[ ] Purple
[ ] Brown
[ ] Orange
[ ] Gray
[x] Turquoise
Some sports/physical things you have done?
[ ] Football
[ ] Cheerleading
[x] Dancing
[ ] Lacrosse
[x] Soccer
[ ] Field hockey
[x] Hockey
[ ] Rugby
[ ] Softball
[ ] Wrestling
[ ] Gymnastics
[ ] Track/cross country
[x] Basketball
[ ] Baseball
[x] Golf
[ ] Playing in the mud
[x] Playing music
[x] Hiking
[x] Camping
[ ] Horseback riding
[ ] Marching band
[ ] Skateboarding
Your personality is sometimes...
[ ] Annoying
[x] Talkative
[x] Shy
[x] Funny
[x] Serious
[x] Bubbly
[x] Spazzy often UH YEAH
[x] Fun loving
[ ] Laid back
[ ] Strict
[ ] Hyper
[x] Weird
The music you like is?
[ ] Rap
[x] Rock
[x] Pop
[ ] Country
[x] Hip-hop
[x] R&B
[x] Slow jams LOVE THIS STUFF!
[ ] Christian
[ ] Classical
[ ] Techno
[ ] Oldies
[x] Punk
[ ] Metal
[ ] Reggae
[ ] Goth
[x] Latin
[x] Ska
[x] Foreign
[x] Soundtracks (Broadway, movie scores, etc)
The pet(s) you have are?
[ ] Cat
[ ] Dog
[ ] Lizard
[ ] Rat
[ ] Ferret
[ ] Rabbit
[x] Fish ENZO JUST GOT 2
[ ] Other
Clothes you like to wear are?
[x] Plain t-shirts
[x] Sweatshirts
[ ] Stockings
[x] High heels
[x] Sneakers
[x] Jeans
[ ] Pajama pants
[x] Boxers
[x] Underwear
[x] Dresses
[x] Mini skirts
[ ] Long skirts
[ ] Watches I'M ON GOD'S TIME
[x] Necklaces
[ ] Hoop earring(s)
[x] Toe socks
[x] Flip flops
[x] Halter tops
[ ] Band shirts
[ ] Shorts
[x] Skate clothes
How do you like to wear your hair?
[x] Down
[x] Ponytail
[ ] Pigtails
[x] Messy bun
[x] Half ponytail
[ ] Scrunched/curly
[ ] Bun
[ ] Crimped
[ ] With a bandana
[x] French braids
[ ] Lots of little braids
[ ] Gel
[ ] Hat
[ ] Messy (bed head)
[ ] Mohawk
[x] Side sweep
[ ] Headband
[x] Dessert
[x] Meat
[x] Diet stuff
[x] Healthy foods
[x] Junk foods
[x] A lot of carbs
[x] Lots of meat
[x] Salad
[x] Seafood
A typical friday night...
[ ] Mall with your friends
[ ] Partying
[x] Watching movies
[ ] Going to the club
[x] Staying home
[x] Babysitting and getting $$
[ ] Hanging out with friends
[ ] Hanging out with boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] Working while friends are out having fun
[ ] Going to gigs with friends
[ ] other
Currently you are...
[ ] In a relationship
[x] Single and lovin it
[x] Crushing
[ ] Single and looking for someone
[ ] Just broke up. . . and so sad about it.
[ ] Sexually confused
Online, you use:
[x] lol
[ ] sup
[x] =D
[x] lmao
[ ] stfu
[ ] ty
[x] jk
[x] ttyl
[ ] lylas/lylab
[x] g2g
[ ] ^^
[ ] T_T
Did you like this survey?
[ ] Yeah
[ ] No!
[ ] It was ok
[x] It was something to do
Your Perfect Guy
Short Answer
.: x hair color- darker hair color
.: x eye color- oooh interesting colors
.: x height- going to try the tall guy circuit
.: x short or long hair- whatever looks good
.: x prep, skater, jock, etc- i like prepsters... or ppl who just look good
.: x teeth- straight
Yes or No
.: x glasses- ok
.: x contacts- ok
.: x buff- buff is okay if he's leanbuff
.: x piercings- ok... ears i can handle only
.: x tattoos- ok
.: x teeth- wtf yeah i like no teeth. ew. jk
.: x cook- oooh PLEASE cuz i can't.
.: x love his mom- yes
.: x watch chick flicks with you- yeah
.: x cuss- ok
it happens
.: x drink- if he knows his limits
.: x smoke- nope allergic
.: x write poems- yes. we can swap em
.: x walk you to your door- shyeah
.: x pay for dinner- yes...
.: x wild or conserved- both
This or that
.: x funny or serious- both
.: x night out or stay at home- both
.: x shy or outgoing- both
.: x candy or flowers- flowers
.: x smart or dumb- smarter
.: x not afraid to speak his mind or do what makes
you happy- speaks
.: x quiet or loud- both
.: x class clown or class nerd- oooh... ionno
.: x funny or sarcastic- both
.: x basketball or football- oooh both
.: x honest or trustworthy- both
1) Name the last four things you have bought: two pairs of shoes, two handbags, one wallet, and LOTS of clothes
2) Name four drinks you regularly drink: water, juice, mountain dew, & saliva
3) Last time you cried: ooh a few days ago
4) What's in your CD player: heh my workout cd
5) BLANK!!
6) What time did you wake up today: 9.45
7) Current hair: up
8) Current clothes: athletic grey shorts, white beater
9) Current desktop picture: ballet dancer on russian rooftop
10) Current worry: that i won't get a cell phone
11) Current hate: things...
12) Favorite places to be: away
13) Least favorite place: this house
14) If you could play an instrument: drums
15) Favorite colors: pink & green
16) How tall are you: 5'2.5"
17) Favorite expression: ;P
18) One person from your past you wish you could go
back and talk to: -shrug-
19) Favorite day(s): sunday
20) Where would you like to go: spain or greece
21) Where do you want to live when you get married: bay area
22) Favorite food: everything
23) Color of most clothes you own: pink, green, black
24) Number of pillows you sleep with: 4
25) What do you wear when you go to sleep: after 12
26) What were you doing 12AM last night?: trying to go to sleep
27) How old will you be in 10 years: 28
28) What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years: studying for school
29) Do you have braces: nope
30) Are you paranoid: heh sometimes
31) Do you burn or tan: tan horribly - sunglass tan EW I HAVE ONE RIGHT NOW.
32) What is the brand of your wallet: burberry.
33) First piercing/tattoo: ears
34) First enemy: oh um a squared
35) Last person you yelled at: mom
36) Last crush: hah. daps
37) Last thing you ate: spanikopita. ooh greek food
38) If you could be a pirate, would you: ionno... girl pirates can be hot...