*hugs and kisses* Thank you so much sweetie ♥ you're really nice :D Of course, when be back I'll tell you how awesome they are! Though I used to go to pi solo cons before but this's my first time for NEWS cons. I'm really really excited to see them XDDD
yup! NEWS photos and pamphlet are absolutely awesome! They looked gorgeous every moments lol so adorableeee~
That' right!! This is is your frist time attending a NEWS concert!! It's even more special!!!! I can easily imagine how excited you are now!!! What a precious dream you'll live!!(*__*)y
Thank you so much sweetie ♥
you're really nice :D
Of course, when be back I'll tell you how awesome they are! Though I used to go to pi solo cons before but this's my first time for NEWS cons. I'm really really excited to see them XDDD
yup! NEWS photos and pamphlet are absolutely awesome! They looked gorgeous every moments lol so adorableeee~
I can easily imagine how excited you are now!!!
What a precious dream you'll live!!(*__*)y
*hugs & kiises back*
*chu chu chu*
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