The other day I got a MMS from my friend. When I opened it I was kind of in shock! She said that ryo has a new hairstyle and also attached this pic. Though how much I love him and I always think no matter what he does I can admit it but this's too funny ,,-________-,, I've ever read in magazine that he'll cut his hair when he has finished filming JOKER. But I never thought before it'd be like this !!!
May be he decided that he wanted his hair fashioned in the way THE BEATLE had their hairs. However, some of my friends said that this haircut makes him looks younger than before ... so, what do you think about this hairstyle ?
cute ? adorable ? handsome ?
Thanks god! it's just a wig XDDD
I personally think at least ryo's style is better than ohkura's and baru's ;P
(yeah! still ryo biased fangirl lol)
After finished watching Janiben lastest episode. I'm really sure Ryo is a kind of M-guy (masochist)
His pleasure is obtained through suffering, the infliction of pain or humiliation! XD
In this show he was willing to be a sparring partner for the fighter. VERY EAGER to be bullied
Ohkura points out that Ryo's fly is open LOL
2nd round. He's still very enthusiastic ,,-________-,,
During Do-M moment all the things he said is only 'Suge Suge ♥' or 'ureshi ♥'
How much happiness he has when he is obtained from pain and physical suffering.
dozchan said this janiben episode EVERYONE MUST WATCH. especailly ryo's fans ;D
Okay, I think it’s enough M in a post already ;P Let's enjoy RyoPi moment with me! haha
How about matching ryo's and pi's pants (゚∀゚)❤
credit on pic and thanks
u_nion for sharing this lovely pic to me *hugs*
btw, I should go to bed right now because tomorrow I'll have English exam.
Hopefully I can do it. Though I haven't read anything yet :/