Fight Fire with Fire (Private to Villains)

Oct 28, 2006 15:10

This'll get those damn students!

I spent most of my Friday cleaning the canteen after the youkai had their little 'fun.' But see, it ain't no fun cleaning something you had no part in. Something you aren't even deserving of cleaning. Right?

Don't worry, it's nothing that'll give us away. I mean, ya wouldn't expect the Janitor to be making a mess would ya?
Nah, that's the students job.

Actually this came as an accident..
See i was cleaning the top floor toilets, when i slipped over god-knows-what on the floor, and tripped into my trolley.
It fell over and the detergent fell into the toilet...-snickers-.
I was thinking about fixing it up, or closing the toilet up so that no one...well...flushed it... but Oh! How I'd love to be there when some poor sap presses that button (providing they've learnt how to now) and an bubbles flow out of the toilet and across the floor! If luck prevails, there may be faeces in there too.
Doesn't bother me, it's normally there anyways.

But why stop there? So i went to all the soap dispenses and replaced the soap with paint- and not just any paint. Black paint, that's really hard to get off (except if ya use Turps)

i don't see a problem with this, it's merely revenge for the canteen and everything else! 'Sides, if all goes well, "another student did it," and i can get some kids to stay back and clean it up!
Win Win Win!
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