Apr 21, 2006 10:22
I have a sinus infection which really sucks, i have been off work three days this week. My paycheck is not going to be nice. Even though i am on salary now i still haven't been on long enough to have paid sick time banked. Blah. I am on antibiotics though, so hopefully soon i will start to feel better.
So i have been buying things more than usual lately this week i bought:
-two shirts from hollister
-pants from american eagle
-two shirts from abecrombie
-two beaters, one white, one green
-sandals from the boathouse
-a really cute volcom shirt from sporting life. Usually i don't like volcom that much cuz they are kinda like DC and only display their logo on shirts and thats it.
So anyway that was only in the past five days. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but it is for me. Maybe being sick is altering my judgment.
I went home easter weekend for the friday and saturday and lori came with me. Isabelle knew who i was again, even with my new hair. She gave me kisses and everything. Isabelle even like Lori this time, which is a new :) My mother hugged Lori and I when we came in the house, and she was so excited to see us, oh gosh. My mother doesn't really hug people other than our family so i was really surprised.
Later on in the evening we hung out with kelly and chandra, first we went to bingo and we won $175. woooot. After that we went to the big gay living room rendez-vous. Oh god i hate that place and it hasn't changed. Lets just put it this way....after 20 minutes we were ready to leave, and chandra said to me "i am impressed you stayed this long".
This weekend Lori and i are gonna scope out some areas of the beaches or 'the beach' as its officially called now. We are super interested in living in the beaches come september. We both are tired of downtown and want a break from the core of the city. Plus it will be nice once we get a dog and can walk and play with him at the boardwalk, and the in the sand. It's a lil pricey to live there, but i think it's worth it.
Friggin so many birthday is May.
Cam- May5
Me- May9
Christina- May10
Isabelle- May24
Jodie- May28
Jesus christ i will go broke!
Oh one more thing my girlfriend Ana from the OC (real name samaire armstrong) is back on for the remainder of the season, so 4 episodes in total. I already told Lori that she is just a back up for Ana :P