More about the house

Mar 08, 2016 22:04

We had our housewarming party last Friday night, which was properly celebratory. We feel in and settled now (although I do get occasional moments of wow, we own this place). Took Saturday off to recover and ended up pruning our embarassing front hedge on Sunday, it being a nice morning.

Interestingly, some things that seemed really important when we moved in feel less so and we've been doing a bit of prioritisation. Replacing our external doors is still highest on the list becuase then we will have a cat door and can get cats... Also, both doors let in drafts and sound, so upgrading them is a good plan.

We went to Tenerife in early February, which was a week away at just the time we needed. It was really relaxing and we both read loads of books, lazed around, swam, drank, ate good food and so on. It was a bit of a shock coming back to the UK and the dregs of winter. Photos to follow as I've been rubbish at uploading any. Just haven't had the time.

It's March, so we're coming into Spring. We have a hyacinth in our front garden and a few small daffodils in the back. I'm looking forward to doing things with both spaces later this year.

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