So, of course, I felt the need to take my umbrella for a walk at lunchtime today. Forgot that the flats I was wearing aren't waterproof, but by the time I'd walked through the first (not very deep) puddle, it didn't seem worth going back to the office for waterproof shoes.
I wandered over to Te Papa, where some temporary tape art had been put on one of the walls by some artists as part of the Carnivale thing that's going on with the funny shaped ball event (actually it was less of a wander and more of a purposeful jaunt as it came down today). Took some photos. I was admiring and one of the artists came up to me - I thought she was another onlooker like myself at first . Among other things, one neat thing she said was that the picture people have eyelashes to show that they have souls.
The tape is duct-tape - apparently they usually use a weaker tape, but given Wellington weather and the winds that howl around that corner, they figured they'd use duct-tape. It looked really impressive. I understand that it took them Saturday and possibly Sunday to put it up, and it came down this afternoon, a couple of hours after I went to see it.
But before the pictures of the art, have a photo of the harbour:
I was trying to get a shot of the rain and this was the best one. When looking through the rest of the photos once I got home I realised I didn't need to bother - the rain is perfectly visible regardless.
Broad outline with details below. Most of the photos ended up being slightly crooked because I was holding the umbrella in my right hand (it just doesn't work properly if I hold it with my left hand), so I had the camera upside-down in my left hand so I could press the shutter button and I also had my handbag over my left shoulder, so my left hand just wasn't as steady.
I just love how it all connects: ship in a bottle and kite in the hands of ground level people, to lightning in a bottle, to the man on a kite (who I keep wanting to call Icarus), to a ship in the air, past the lighthouse and to the hot air balloon on the other side.
And just for proof: one of the low-lying grassy areas in Frank Kitts Park. The ducks were having such an awesome time they didn't want to pose for the camera...