I am getting used to this being on holiday thing. Unsurprisingly, the weather is not co-operating, being generally overcast, windy and rainy. Sometimes there's sun, sometimes it's ridiculously humid (like right now). I'd actually prefer going back to work a week earlier and having another week to play with sometime in the rest of the year. Mind, most of New Zealand isn't much better - there's rain and the possibility of flooding down south.
Managed to do useful things today:
- put away my suitcase (with my winter duvet packed into it);
- put away my jewellery;
- did the ironing;
- did the laundry, got it dried and put away;
- cleaned up the kitchen;
- cleaned the bathroom;
- made apple cake;
- made chocolate brownie; and
- collected up assorted mail to be mailed tomorrow (including thesane's cards that have been sitting under the tree since well before Christmas.
Go me.
I also managed to watch the Top Gear Christmas special and a two-part episode of Holmes Inspection. Both were lots of fun, particularly the Top Gear one - I mean, wtf BBC!
Gaming starts again tonight. We managed to get the magic back into the fantasy world last time... what next? Starting to take on the shadow monster? I'm lookin forward to finding out what happens next.