This winter has been cold, grey and miserable so far. Where are Wellington's wild winds and glorious storms? It's nearly a month since midwinter and I only just noticed that it's starting to get lighter earlier and darker later. The only vaguely sunny days seem to be midweek and by the time the day ends, it's raining again. I haven't dried washing outside for months and everything is constantly damp. I might as well be back in the 'tron!
I did go outside for half an hour at lunchtime today, wandered around the waterfront, took a few photos and it conveniently started raining again just as I was about to head back to work. Most of the photos didn't quite come out like I intended (and to get the shot I want for one of them, I really need to be either half a foot taller or stand on a box), but a couple are okay, even if not what I was after.
This is from the weekend - the lounge windows were all fogged up and I noticed that sometime in the past, someone was drawing pictures. Getting the sun and the lines on the right angle so all three were showing was really hard; this is the second one I took and I think it's the best.
This one mostly worked and mostly did what I wanted. I could have got a better angle if I'd knelt or crouched, but not in my boots and I wasn't prepared to get wet.
Grey and only slightly windy day.
This is the one I want a box or extra height for - if I could get the right angle, I could line up the windows inside the gaps and that would look pretty cool.
I get to play frisbee tonight, since it's still school holidays. Hopefully someone has a spare Dreaming Creature/light blue shirt, or I will be playing in either my white Lone Creature shirt or my old Planet Hollywood t-shirt. The real trick is going to be not to let my fingers get too cold to play.