Since I left Wellington yesterday morning, without hassle since the cloud was more in Wilton than Kilbirnie, I have read on of the three books I brought up with me, purchased another, wandered through what there is of downtown Tauranga, done a few rows of crossstitch, thrown a frisbee on the beach and seen the comet with my own eyes from my parents backyard! And that was just yesterday.
Today I slept in, despite the heat, went for a walk and then for a swim. The swim was absolutely delightful - still, clear and just the right temperature. Very relaxing. Have done very little since then.
maudlinrose, could you check my Tamora Pierce to see if I have Cold Fire, Bk. 3 in the Circle Opens series. Am also getting recipes and ideas off Mum to play with, some of which I might use, some I won't. They like our pesto, though.
Had a very good Kapcon - played a lot of increasingly silly games and enjoyed myself thoroughly. The LARP went well, which was a relief and have only heard generally positive comments and the occasional constructive criticism for future LARPs. Have a idea for another one, but I think it'd be better as a May one and not til next year.
I hear that it was an absolutely horrible game of Ultimate last night. I'm very sorry and I hope that no one leaves over it.
The latest
sga_flashfic challenge has hit me with an idea and I think it's time to go find a pad of refill or something and start playing with it.