Jul 27, 2012 14:59
Today I begin my two weeks vacation. I am not really going any where. I just didn't want to be in the dorms when it is 100 + degrees in our hot unconditioned concrete dorms that stay around 95 degrees until 3 am. Plus I need to catch up on my dvr shows and get ready for the new season of fall tv.
My brother Matt got out of prison yesterday. He even went to work this morning. He claims to have learned his lesson about drinking and driving. I hope so but heard this same shit the last time he went to prison for DUI's. We shall wait and see.
A few things interest me. One... the army is designing a battle dress for women... and it's based on Xena warrior Princess' outfit. Makes me wonder if they are gonna add a steel disk thingie to the Army's weapon inventory.
Goatman. In the wild mountains of Utah, there is a guy who has been spotted dressing up as a goat and following a herd around on all fours. Now some hunters are known to do that kind of thing. Goats can be very skittish and dressing up like that can get you close enough for an easy shot. Maybe this guy is trying to get a herd used to him being around so when hunting season starts... easy kill. Maybe this guy is a biologist studying a skittish herd of goats. Or maybe the people commenting on the news stiry have it right... simply a lonely guy into having sex with wild goats. :P
That crazy dude who shot up a theater. I have dressed up and went out to see a movie before: Resident Evil films will see me there in zombie make up. I love going out on opening night to see others in costumes: Batman, Harry Potter, Spiderman, Various Star Wars movies... it was worth buying a ticket and being crammed liked sardines in a can just to see people dressing up. Now some idiot has ruined that for all of us.