School concert last night. I was in two (or three, depending on whether you count symphony as a separate orchestra or not) of the orchestras. Youth and high school. It was awesome. I love concerts. Especially when we have a break in the middle. After the youth concert, we were all up in the little room (supposed to be the viola room, but how can we fit all of the violinists in that even tinier room to the left of the stage? Besides, Misha and I are honorary violists.) Jeremy brought some of his friends and they were all fiddling (and one accordion). It was cool. Eli joined in for a few of the songs. Chris was Irish step dancing to one of the songs. And here are some quotes from then:
Friend: "You and your friggin' Scottish stuff!"
Jeremy: "Yeah, I'm a friggin' Scott! Ah! Irish is even worse than Scottish!"
Friend: "Aw! Jeremy has a flower! Isn't that cute?
Also the accordion player was trying to do bowslaps/chops on his accordion. It didn't work very well.
Talia (Talia or Thalia?) and I did Melissa's biology and it is way better than Quincy's!
After middle school and intermission it was high school. We were pretty good. Except we really messed up the beginning of Miss Saigon, but that was expected. Plus it sounds right to the audience. Everyone loved that piece. Alex was pretending to play 'cello during Russian Sailor's Dance. That must be her favorite song. She was like that during the MSO concert as well. I love that song. I love the horn/viola/'cello part at section 5. The chords are so nice . . . I wish the brass section could play it better.
One month left of school! Yes, us orch dorks measure the year by concerts. After the holiday concert, it is Christmas and New Year's and half the school year is over. After the spring concert it means the school year is pretty much over. So the spring concert is always very . . . I don't know. But everyone seems very joyful since it is the last concert of the year and so close to the end of school. I love the spring concerts.
We're going to play Palladio in orchestra! Whoo!
And quartet! And we will rehearse quartet in orchestra now since the concert was last night.
Today, we got progress reports. Mrs. Donovan gave me a B-! That is worse than I did in algebra! I was definitely not expecting that. I had much better grades in English than in algebra. In algebra I had 100% homework (I think) and then all my other grades were below an 80%. In English I had two lower vocab quizzes and maybe a test grade project that was a C+, but other than that, everything was pretty high. So why a B-? That is almost a C+!
English: B-
Algebra: B
History: A
French: A-
Biology: A
Orchestra: A+
Wellness: A
My only A+ is orchestra. I used to get many more A+'s.