Kitten Update - Poor little Lu

Apr 18, 2008 19:58

I took Lucky and Lulu for their second vet visit today.
Thanks goodness they both tested negative for Feline Aids and Leukemia.  
I showed the vet how "cute" Lulu looks when she walks towards you because she's bow legged.  I should have known that her being bow legged wasn't a good thing...  The vet felt her shoulders first and then moved to her elbows and ankles.  The vet told me that her right elbow was twice the size of her left which was causing her leg to bow.  She went onto say that even kittens could get tumors and she would need to get an X-Ray for her to determine what was wrong.  At this point, I feel so bad because I thought her bow was "cute"....  
It turns out that her elbow either broke when she was very small (like how small - I don’t know because she's only 2 1/2 months old!) or it's a birth defect.  The joint itself is deformed and there really isn't anything to do at this point.  The vet told me that Lulu has 95% movement at this point and she doesn't seem to be bothered by it.  She said that Lulu would most likely develop arthritis and worse case scenario would be that the leg doesn't grow.  If the leg doesn’t grow and it gets more deformed then they may have to amputate her leg. 

Poor little Lulu.
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