My book

Jul 21, 2007 07:18

I went to the Barnes and Noble mid-night party to pick up my reserved copies this year. I didn't go the previous years that they had it but I figured "what the hell, this is the last book, you might as well go."

I was so scared that some little twerp would drive by shouting out book spoilers... have you all seen the video on youtube where this kid in his mom's minivan drives by the line and shouts out the window the spoiler in the last book? It's actually pretty funny now... but at the time it was just sooooo wrong, I felt bad for those people on the curb.

I was so exited when I got home that I started reading right away (I had planned an all nighter with my book). My all night reading was cut short in the middle of chapter two when I fell asleep... That's what will happen when you get up at 4:45 a.m. to go to work in the morning... 2:30 a.m. rolls around and sleep just wants to claim you. Ah well - I've got all day today to read.

harry potter

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