Friend's Only Notice

Apr 12, 2008 03:23

FRIEND REQUEST NOTICE: This journal is FRIEND'S ONLY. If you friend me and do not leave me a comment introducing yourself, you will NOT be added back. My journal is a candid documentation of my life, and I will not open myself to just anyone. Please do me the courtesy of an introduction, and an explanation of why you are friending me. Once you do that, there is a strong chance I will friend you back.

A few things to keep in mind...

1 - I like filtered and private entries. Don't take offense if at some point you notice you can't access an entry because you've been filtered out. This is simply due to my need for privacy...

2 - I like to write. Many of my entries do indeed turn into a novel, and at times are downright TMI. However, I feel this is MY journal and if I want to ramble, it is my right to do so.

3 - If I do add you to my friends page, and thus give you access to my entries, please know that anything you read in my journal is being shared with you in confidence.

I love to share things with others. I'm just also very much someone who needs to feel some control over things, and controlling who knows my innermost thoughts is huge for me. Thus the reason for my journal being friends-only.
