Um. Okay.
I guess that explains it. Exhibit A to prove I sometimes live under a rock...
Well, swozzle me schooners and fall to me flim flam.
You know, all of the Saddam Hussein hystrionics, starting once again, bring out the fed-up reactionary conservative in me (yes, it's in there). I honestly wish we could implement some harsher punishments for contempt of court in this case.
For instance...for obstructing the judicial process and generally acting like a narcissistic ass:
First offense: you'll lose a finger
Second offense: you'll lose a testicle
Third offense: you'll be dragged out of the courtroom, shot like a rabid dog, and have your head displayed on a pike until it turns to goo.
Why doesn't someone just kill the bastard? Hell, people got to Kennedy, the Pope, Reagan, Elvis (see, I'm going with the conspiracy theory that he was assassinated by Mothers Against Pelvic Gyrating)...come on, somebody out there show some initiative.
See, fed-up reactionary conservative.