Jan 02, 2006 14:59
Wow, It's been awhile hasn't it? yep yep! well.... Christmas was pretty good! I got a lot of awesome stuff and I got to spend time with my family, which is always good. Oh jeez....I found out that my mom's side of the family is very very perverted! gah! and touchy-feely. Okay on christmas...my grandparents were touching eachother and telling eachother how "sexy" they are, that was gross. My parents were like cuddling and my dad was like kissing my moms neck and it was just bleck ah gah! But the funny thing was that my mom didn't want it so she would like hit my dad in the head to get him off, that was sweet lol. And then my aunts and uncles were telling eachother how good they looked and they were cuddling the whole time and stuff. Maybe they were just all in the christmas spirit? I don't know. But they thought I didn't know what they were doing, cause they think that I am too young to know anything about sexual stuff.....so it was very interesting lol. So christmas was very good, besides my whole family being perverted and all that jazz! lol
lets see...My vacation has been pretty boring. I basiclly have been sitting home and been doing nothing cause I have been sick the whole vacation. But thats okay, I got to watch a lot of harry potter :) lol. Speaking of harry potter, I saw the 4th one a few days ago, and I love it! It was awesome! I want to see it again so badly....wahooo!
New years was pretty sick. I went over iris' with some sweet friends. And we had a blasty blast! At one point of the night, Emily like bursted into the room where Lauren, Cathrine, and I were sleeping....and she was asking if she could borrow my knife. (I got a knife for christmas)It was kind of random/scary cause I had no idea what she wanted it for. Turns out she wanted it to open the sparkling cider with my knide lol. But anyway, New years was fun and we didn't get to sleep untill around 5ish. So that was again a blasty blast.
hmmmmm.....I really want to go down to Worcester cause I miss everybody oh so much! I am kind of sick of Hamilton right now, but oh well. I think I am gonna go down to Worcester this sunday for YG, I hope. Well, I really can't think of anything else to say so I am gonna go.....I have to do my hw, since we go back to school tomorrow :( bleck.
ttyl Love ya all ♥ jenna