May 26, 2004 17:34
5 days left till freedom and all hell breaks loose
idk wut im talkin about...
you guys should give me good songs to d/l cause i have limewire now!! woohoo!! but jason and spencer freaked me out w/ all their talk about spyware and how they watch you d/l stuff....
lissening to prodigy now! Smack my bitch up!! aww yeah! lol im so white....mlsa made fun of my whiteness at least....6 times today!! not to count other numberous ppl making fun of my whiteness telling me im 4 times more likely to get eaten by a killer leprechaun cause im white and irish and australian and apparantly leprechauns hate im never accepting money from anyone every again...if you offer me money i will take it offensively and assume you mean to kill me. i prefer to leave this part of my journal unexplained.
w/e....i missed 5 periods today cause i was on a field trip that was dumb! wooh!
i have been in the weirdest mood all week!
omg seriously....on sunday night i cleaned my room like crazy for like 4 hours!!
and i re-cleaned it on mon and tues!!
then last night i rearranged and organized the fridge and the pantry cause they were jus buggin the hell outta me!! god im nothing but a stupid white girl that will get killed by a leprechaun freak!! i have no life!!
i have to go clean something else cause i am just going crazy here....guys i think i have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or something like in matchstick dos tres!! one two three!! okay im leaving now cause most likely you all stoped reading this hours ago....
hasta la vista be-be!!! woo!