Aug 03, 2005 01:57
You know what? We live in a pretty screwed up place. Everywhere here all sorts of fucked up things are happening. Authorities are beginning to inspect only certain people because of their race. Thats so damn stupid. Anybody could have a bomb ticking away in there backpack or purse. Right? And then at this place, dont really know where, a man ordered his employee to kill 6 stray dogs that were there. So teh guy drowns teh dogs. That is so fucked up. That guy should be chrarged with animal cruelty. Now all teh employees of that place are getting death threats from all over teh country. They shouldnt have killed those innocent dogs. And lastly, to end our horrible list of fucked up things, teh city might close down teh Heidi Search Center because of financial problems. Why teh hell would teh city want to close down their search center when there is constantly somebody missing? Are we that effing stupid? What will happen when a little kid goes missing? Whats wrong with teh world?