Damn those Blue Angels straight to hell........to hell!!!!!!!!!

Jul 15, 2005 17:34

so...i've been in the process of flipping my sleeping schedule over the last...week or so, so i can begin working third shift on tuesday, and guess what!!!! the blue angels decided to be in town that week, oh joy for me. so now, i'm up after only five and a half hours of sleep, hot, sticky, and irritated. no air conditioner here, and i get to sleep during one of the hottest times of the day.

i swear, i'm just gonna grab a knife, cut the fuckin screen out, and shove an air conditioner right in there. fuck the rest of the house, I need to have a cool/cold ass room goddamnit.

well, i think i'm through with my bitching for a while....damn those blue angels, they're still gonna be back tomorrow.....

oh, btw, hey you venerable old man, yea you....Traveler, i called ya back but you didn't pick up, so consider yourself officially 'tagged' in our lil game.

try and stay cool all
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