Mar 28, 2006 14:48
I'm about ready to just give up....
This is an entry where I'm going to vent and cuss and write, if you don't care DON'T FUCKING READ IT.
I can't fucking stand these fights with my mom because they are piontless and getting us nowhere...because both of us refuse to listen to anything that the other has to say. I mean, we hear it, but we're not really listening.
I also am soooo tired of all this work that I have to do. I bit off so much more than I can chew. I can't stand it anymore...I'm so stressed out and I'm taking it out on people that don't deserve it.
Stubbs took my goddam phone. Bitch.
I'm worried about my cousin and how things are going to turn out for her, because I don't always think she makes the best decisions...wait, let me rephrase that....I know she doesn't make the best decisions. And when if all falls down around her, who's going to be there for her? Me. Not that boy, me.
I'm tired of going to the doctor and getting stuck with needles. I know what the fuck is wrong with me...I'm well aware and I don't need anyone to tell me that part. What I need from them is for them to tell me how to fix it or make it managable.
And lastly, that boy drives me nuts. I know that I, of all people, am a hypocrit. But he's starting tobe one too. He likes to watch me cry and he doesn't care. And I cry over and over and let him watch. Well, fuck that.
On top of all of that, I have to go to a damn track meet today and I don't really want to go, I want to go home and be lazy.
There are some days when I just want to go home and sleep for a really long time. Or have wings so I can fly away. Man, I would LOVE to be able to fly. Oh well. If things are really as bad as I'm making them out to be...they don't have anywhere to go but up...
So, I'm going to keep my chin up and fake a smile until it's not fake anymore. Even if it kills me. So there.
Fuck having feelings.
Later much.