May 26, 2003 19:39
I came not to be mocked
to be made fun of
to just be your entertainment
The assumption
the thought
that you would think that i would do that with her without loving her
to her and me
you know me better than that
i know you better than that
or at least i thought i did
but still, every time i go anything with you
go anywhere
always the same topic
"well you arent answering any of our questions"
thats not how it works!
i dont need to
and i dont need to be with people who invite me, plead with me to go somewhere
only to be trapped into answering these questions
ill be open, ill talk
but only because i like spending time with you
i dont owe you anything
im not there just as a subject
im a person
a person who tries to do good things for good people who deserve it
and some people who dont
and still, it takes time for you to think about me rather than just of me
i dont talk about you liking him
i dont talk about you masterbating constantly because youre so sexually repressed
i dont talk about people not liking you because they simply think youre crazy
i dont talk about you not being forward enough to show affection for anybody
i dont talk about you not showing any interest in being closer to anyone
and i certainly never drill you about it if someone else or yourself brings up the topic
and ive never brought up the topic
she doesnt lie for the hell of it
she doesnt do what she wants if someone else had the smallest inkling of a plan
shes a good person
shes a deserving person
she hasnt had anyone respect how she feels
so i do love her
you got your answer