Aug 18, 2008 13:07 were warned.
First off, I've been torturing myself with liking a guy that didn't really like me that much and who decided, after short consideration, to go for somebody else instead. I'm done with that. Though, strangely, I've decided to give him time and see what happens when the girl turns him down. (Cause, sadly, knowing him and his poor choice of women, she will turn him down, poor pet.)
In the mean time, I was developing a slight crush on someone else that I really shouldn't have a crush on, so I've decided to just quit it and have some fun with him. It's what we both want and it keeps things nice and simple for all of us.
Instead I made my mind up to start focussing on the more important things in life. Let them come to me if they want anything from me. A steady partner is fun, but not an absolute necessity.
In my life the thing that matters most has to be singing. And since I finally have a "GO" from my mum (she went to a concert and thought "one day my daughter will be on that stage", how cool a comment is that?!)...
I've been wasting SO much precious time on training my voice. I've decided to take some classes to learn to read and write music and also take new singing lessons with a pro. Expensive as hell, but worth the investment.
I'm also going to start doing serious powertraining, to get said power into my vocals. I'm good, but not good enough. Not by far.
Thirdly, I'm going to find a new band. It's driving me nuts that I can't perform. I got to do it ONCE and I'm really wanna do that again. Over and over. The life dream of course, would be that I could make a living out of it. Or that I'd just have to work part-time to make ends meet. *brings herself back to earth*
Since I'll be taking Japanese in between this hectic new plan, I think my socialising will sort of take all the other free nights I have left. That means, no archery. Or maybe I can squeeze it in somewhere. But this is all about priorities and I think I've finally got mine straightened out.