It's been in my head for a while now, so it's about time I write it down here.
I'm excited about going abroad, I keep looking for a job as much as I can, but I'm scared to death of actually leaving.
A lot of my friends tell me "Hey, it's great that you're going, I'd never have the guts to do that!" and all I can think is, "Neither do I, I'm just too proud to admit it". So there, I admitted it. I'd miss my family! My mum and my sister mean so incredibly much to me, I can't even tell you!
I'd miss my best friend Tom, my more like a brother friend Doekie, my friends
lizeand all the others at Überleuven, my friends G, David and
tootsiemuppet (thank goth you're healthy honey), her girlfriend
hyel. My life is here, and I know I'll miss it so damn much.
On the other hand, something is missing. And I need to go out there and find it.
But yeah, I'm scared. Very scared.