Star Trek - The Voyage Home

Mar 11, 2009 22:33

Kirk got his ship back, and Spock was all cute and the hell and swimming with whales, and I do not understand this woman she is not logical, and then he was all bffs with Kirk again.

And Sulu was all hee! helicopters!

And Bones was all Barbarians! Spanish Inquisation! Morons! And here you go Mam, new kidney for you.

And Scotty was all pfft! I am not interfering with history laddy, it is all how it is meant to be, and och! and Can't do it.

And Uhura was all pretty darn bad ass.

Oh and Spock's Mum, she was way cool, and all Spock you know you are half human, and hey you know you have friends btw.

And And And Chekov!!! With his accent, and being all can I go now half way through an interrogation and darn my phaser isn't working catch! and Yes that is what I said. I am slightly in love with him.

And am now pumped for the new movie. It is going to be AWESOME!!!!!!!

fannish pursuits, nerdy

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