you know what sucks? this not being able to see bullshit. at least the doctor is calling in eye drops so i dont have to go down there, wait forever for them to say yep you need eye drops and pay a $20 co-pay. ugh i cant keep my eyes open.
grandpas memorial is on my birthday. man just keep the good news coming. i have been thinking about him more since. mom gave me a picture. i havent actually been able to look at it yet. i have also noticed how a lot of things i have been trying push down, to bury and hide. i was doing a good job of it before SC. i need to get out of this slump. tuesday night was definately not good at all. back to old habits which arent good.
hoedown this weekend. need to see what peeps are going. maybe i can get ahold of sara before then. i am soooooooo excited. unfortunately missing trigger darlow, erins bf's band. but it should be fun. especially if i can get cassie and whit to go. wish toni were here to go. hit up coyote joe's twice since she has left. weird w/out her, still out there dancing though :) have mel and brian hooked on trying the cottoneye joe song. and door kid doesnt even need my ID anymore lol
jason comes home soon. yay!! trying to figure out a tattoo but i cant come up w/ ideas. the boys arent helping much.
getting better a pool. still have my on and off days.
you never know who is thinking about you. or how they feel. guess sometimes you can only hope. or you want to describe how you feel and you cant find the right words or everything just comes out plain wrong. to think about it everyday, trying to figure out what you have done wrong or how to make it better, its hurts more than you could imagine. how can something you think is so perfect be forgotten about quickly? not the first time. should be use to it. wish i could be like some people and say "fine" and not care about it.
well due to the lack of being able to see i only got half of what i needed to do, done today. still need to get my transcripts, pick up what ever from the post office (did however find out which location though), apply at the credit union, and i thought there was something else but i cant place it.
bits and pieces i like:
"i need your grace
to remind me
to find my own"
"if lay here
if i just lay here
would lie w/ me and forget the world
forget what we're told"
"I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough"
"If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"
"All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see"
"I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all"
snow patrol is august 6th. debating on picking up tickets.
Cyanide & Happiness @