Byzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzantium, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain

May 02, 2010 08:33

So I have to write a 15 page paper with a historiography on St Catherine's Monastery in Mt Sinai, Egypt, to turn in tomorrow. I'm actually ahead of schedule- I already have the books to do the research. Now I just have to crack them open and write the actual paper.

I really enjoy studying Byzantine history and art. I love how I can, if I choose, make my Classics degree work for me: Rome ---> Byzantium ---> Russia. However, if I decide to do this, I have to study Greek. Greek, like, "Hey Heather, the last three years you spent busting your ass on Latin are meaningless, now start over with Greek" kind of Greek. With Scholtz. DOOOOOM.

Dating a Justin. Justin and its derivatives were popular names for Byzantine emperors and VIPs. Coincidence?

Maybe I'll change my name to Theodora.


school, c/t, plans

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