(no subject)

Mar 27, 2010 22:40

27 years old
Medieval/Classical Studies major
Binghamton, NY, USA
Sunday, March 21, 2010
One of my rare days off

Kitten wakes me up. She is the most reliable alarm clock.


Timecheck. The next few are blurry because I haven’t got my land legs yet.

Jay sleeps in. He’s a night owl and stays up late.

Can has foods plz?

Om nom.

Put on sweats and slippers.

Run into Cat in the kitchen. She’s a morning person, like me.

Set up coffee.

Do some dishes while I wait for it to finish.

Java java java java!!!

Watch some TV because it’s Sunday and I have nowhere to be. It’s lazy and amazing.

Time check. Should probably start doing something constructive.

Brush my hair. That counts as constructive, doesn’t it?

It’s pretty nice outside today :D

Playing with Cat.

Playing with the kitten.

Kitten wins?


Brush my teeth. Not pictured: awful flossing episode involving drool and cursing (hard to floss your teeth with braces on, I’ve discovered) and using my bubblegum mouthwash of AWESOME.

Cleaned up the bathroom, Comet, Windex and all. This is the result.

Jade’s up!

Time for an adventure.

Who’s excited!!!

The mall.

Cat shows off her new haircut and her pretzel.

I got a trim too. I look so happy about it.

Trying on fancy hats. This is Cat’s “first-time-we-see-Rose-in-Titanic” impression.

I am not nearly as photogenic.

Dorkin’ out.

In the battle of dorks, who wins?

On the way out of the store, we ran into Jay’s Uncle Steve and cousin Marissa. We run into them all the time, it seems.

Headed over to Sears to try on prom dresses in their awful peach dressing room. I bought this one.

These were cute!

We go to Target…

…and the grocery store. Cat selects vegetables to use for dinner.

Checking out!

We get home.

Jay has gotten up, finally, but he doesn’t want his picture taken.

Snack time! With bonus kitten.

Showing off our dork purchases. My silly shirt is particularly funny to us because Jay is from Jersey.

I help make dinner by draining the pasta for the pasta salad.

Time to do Latin homework.

Behold, my crappy transcription assignment.

Time check.

Tonight we eat like kings!

We watch True Lies while we eat.

But then we pause it to take a walk…

…and get some ice cream from the stand a few blocks away.

The beautiful view.

When we get home, I order a book on Amazon…

…and I feed my facebook addiction. We also put the movie back on.

Nuclear explosion kiss!!!

When the movie is over, I tidy up the bed a little bit.

Brushing teeth, reprise.

Grab some late-night reading material.

Kitten is ready for bed, too.

Time check. I think it says 10:27. It’s not very late, but I’ve got to get up early for work tomorrow.

I had actually fallen asleep reading when Jay took this picture of me.

The End!


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