The semester marches along.

Oct 19, 2008 12:47

Well, midterms are (mostly) over. I still have to do the written part of the ballet exam. Sheeeeeeeee-it. Who ever heard of a three day long midterm? The first two days the prof videotaped us dancing- two sections of barre work, and two of center. I think my barre work was stronger than center; I only fucked it up once. Or maybe twice, but all I remember offhand was thinking that the grand battement sequence was finished and stopping in the middle of it. Whoops.

The center work was... well, center work. I totally fucked up the end of my waltz/balance combination. Also possibly jumps. One of my main problems (and one that I think stems from skating) is that I can only do things one way. I can do balances and pas de bourres fine to the right, but when I try to go left I can't do it at all. Now you put all that in a combination and it's instant disaster. *headbarre*

All things to work on. We get to watch the tapes tomorrow and critique ourselves- she's actually grading us on our critiquing, not on the dancing, but god knows how she's going to get in depth critiques from almost thirty people crowding around one TV trying to watch themselves. We'll see. Must resist urge to write "I'M IN DESPAIR! MY SUCKY DANCING HAS LEFT ME IN DESPAIR!!! I WILL JUMP OFF BARTLE!" in huge letters across the whole page and nothing else.

Also, no dancing tomorrow. Just writing stuff. Sad face.


In other news. Did Biryani Night with Yos yesterday. Biryani= awesome, spicy Pakistani food. We almost botched the recipe but the end result turned out awesome, and Yos sent me home with some leftovers, yay! We also watched Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day and Sleeping Beauty. If you haven't seen the former, I highly recommend it.

Now I'm going to finish cleaning my room. Debating whether or not to wash my blankets. I probably should. Then more CA costuming work and Latin. And Arabic. And reading for O&E. Bleh. I wish it was winter vacation already.


ballet, school, binger

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