One of the most vivid dreams I've had in YEARS

May 21, 2007 22:20

Grissom + Sara + Sephiroth = OT3???????

Clearly, at some point last night, my brain said fuck it and took a flying leap off the Cliffs of Insanity.

In a nutshell:

Grissom and Sara, while exploring the urban landscape on a romantic walk or something, find Sephiroth lying under the overpass (THE overpass- the one from the season 2 finale- I am an uber geek) naked, bloody, one black wing. They’re like WTF? And do what any normal couple would do: take him back home with them. There they clean him up and quasi nurse him back to health. He doesn’t remember anything but his name. They decide he’s an amnesiac angel who hit his head
too hard falling out of heaven.

They keep him around for a while and they all get used to each other. Sephiroth learns how to function as an adult on earth, even though they have to keep him kind of out of sight due to the one wing deal he’s got going on. This eventually develops into a bizarre love triangle/ polyamorous relationship thing, with some of the hottest sex scenes I’ve dreamed in my life.

Eventually Sephiroth gets some of his powers back or whatever. He has a very strong calling to go “home”; he doesn’t know where that is exactly, but he knows he’s got to go up to get there. He says his goodbyes and takes off into the sunset, flying on a motorcycle that looks just like Fenrir.

Grissom and Sara find that they can’t live without him. They decide on a Viking funeral suicide. Thinking that Sephiroth went back to heaven, they want to follow him. Grissom calls the whole team (Warrick, Nick, Greg, Brass, Catherine and her daughter Lindsay) over for a party and poisons their drinks, because hey, what's the afterlife without the nightshift? Once they're dead, he talks to Sara, who decides she wants to be strangled after one last roll in the hay. Grissom obliges. Then he douses the whole house and bodies in gasoline, lights it on fire, and shoots himself in the head.

That's when my alarm went off. Pretty fucked up, huh?


I have to drabble this. I wish more than anything I could draw it manga style. Oh, dear brain. You're fucked up, but sometimes I love you.

dreams, csi, ff7

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