Hello Cleveland!

Mar 31, 2007 18:58

I finally got my mood theme up and running. Kind of. A little. Not really. Apparently you can't choose the acutal moods you want, just the pictures to go with the moods- so my brilliant moods that are named things like "surrounded by zombies" "confident" "squicked" and "riiiiight" are now lying by the wayside.

I am kind of bummed out about this.

Elsewhere, life has been fucktardedly nuts. Death, doom, and destruction everywhere- plus there's been a rampaging epidemic of stupid, which has been hard to deal with. Luckily there's been 300 in theaters to relieve some of the pain.

Let us say a quick prayer of thanks to Sweet Chocolate Jesus for this wonderfulness.

Dear Sweet Chocolate Jesus,

Thank you very much for Gerry Butler and his band of merry Spartans prancing around in nothing but abs and speedos in 300. There is nothing better than a bunch of scantily clad honorable men getting hellishly violent on a vast army of weirdoes just to make a statement. That's pretty hot. The sex scenes were awesome too- I will gladly pay another ten bucks just to see Leonidas do his wife again. Also to see his wife kill that smarmy dude- it kind of makes me want to make icons that say things like "Do you want to penetrate me? Or is it I... that have penetrated... you?" I know you know what I'm talking about, Sweet Chocolate Jesus, because I know that you like Kill Bill as much as me. Oh, and thank you for battle elephants. I love battle elephants. You should ask your dad why they don't make elephants that big any more, because I can sure use one. Or two. Or a dozen. You know, when I pull my own version of Thermopalye and try to destroy the corporate evil that is Wal-Mart with a band of scantily clad friends. This is neither here nor there, however. The point is I can forgive any historical inaccuracy with such eye candy to distract me. Huzzah!

In Your 485,460 Calorie, Two Hundred Pound Anatomically Correct Naked Milk Chocolate Name,

PS- LOLOLOLOLOLOL SUPRISE BUTTSECKS!!!!!!!!! Hee hee. Xerxes and his ancient bling. Nice touch, Oh Chocolate One!!


The answer, incidentally, is yes. If they did fill the chocolate Jesus with Cadbury Creme Egg filling, I would totally go down on it. Multiple times.

And if you google Rasputin's penis, and hit images, you will need brain bleach. That shit is preserved in a jar and displayed in a museum. Can't blame them, I guess, because DAY-UM. No wonder Alexandra was hitting that.

This random post has been brought to you by Warcrack, Chem, and Ventrilo.

tech, laundry pile

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