...and the quasi-saga continues

Sep 18, 2006 20:10

My doctor's appointment on Friday for the weirdo headaches was more or less a waste of $75. This is entirely my fault, since I had to go and get a cold on Thursday.

Doc: So tell me what's up.
Me: Um, hello, didn't the nurse already write all that shit down? Do I really have to repeat myself? Headaches, dizzy, repeating pattern, not sinus, yes I've fallen over, light sensitive, la la la.
Doc: *pokes around my face a little bit, does some nerve tests* Well, you don't seem to have any nerve damage. Do you have any stress?
Me: *bursts out laughing*
Christie: *makes cracks about how I abuse them all and how I'm batshit bonkers*
Doc: Hmmmm. *looks up my nose with a thingy*
Doc: Well, your nasal passages are all blocked up. They should be this big... *makes a with his thumb and forefinger* ...but they're this size...*makes another circle, this time the size of a pencil eraser*
Anyway, having blocked nasal passages can lead to headaches! I'm writing you a perscription for nose spray.
Me: ..........
Doc: If that doesn't work, we'll give you a CT scan! Hooray! Here's a $10 nose spray rebate!
Me: *bangs head into the proverbial wall, since DUH! I know blocked airways can cause headaches, but it WASN'T LIKE THAT TWO DAYS AGO, okay.*

Now I have a perscription for nose spray that I can't actually pick up because it's $92. And my cold only got worse so I wound up staying home from work today, too, although not class. Mom got me Claritin, and that seems to help, but now I have to explain to the doctor when he calls me next week to see how the nose spray worked that I haven't actually used said nose spray.

My answer to all of this was to go out and buy a book of Amish home remedies at a farmstand today.

Warts can be cured with garlic! Huzzah!



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