"Not my fetish, not my problem."

Jul 30, 2005 00:58

(As seen on a TimWear! t-shirt.)

Vampire rocked the fuck out. It was the last night of game, so I figured I'd kill Helena off, since she was so useless it was stupid. I almost succeeded.

Got attacked by werewolves in the woods, and blood bound one point to Nicholas, who fixed me up. Then we went back inside, where I got shot by snipers like, seven times or something- I only missed one shot- and was generally incapacitated. About three seconds later, Jessica comes in, sees Helena full of bullets on the floor, and goes into a frenzy. In a strange twist of logic, Jessica is sent into a frenzy because of violence against women or something- but the first person in her line of sight is me, so Helena is the one she attacks. (Kill the victim? Okay, lol.) Anyway, the upshot of this is that Helena gets punched in the head before Jessica moves on to frenzy at someone else. Then Cory's character, whose name I don't know, picked Helena up and tried to fix her. So, blood bound one point to him, too, but I was still torped so I wound up on the couch for awhile. Then Tim's Tremere was like, "Huh. Interesting." He threw me in the trunk and dragged my body off to Mirrodin's house, where she's currently lying in a room full of about seven vampires' worth of ashes, which Xellous may or may not have swept up for his own nefarious use. The point is, Tim's character has hung Helena up in the basement on meat hooks. Yay for torture! I think his plan is to convert her to his insane Lilith religion or something. And in about three days, she'll be fully blood bound to him.

Way to end a game. *squees and happy dances* Nothing like having the shit beat out of your character and having them wind up strung from the ceiling on a meat hook! She'll be batshit insane in no time.

Oh, and I finished Jane Eyre tonight. That was a great book.

Now I'm going to bed because I'm freakin' exhausted. Dad just asked me to go to the store, but I was like, oh HELL no, I can barely keep my eyes open as it is.



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