Hamlet. Hamlet. What the fuck do I have to say about Hamlet?

May 05, 2005 20:27

Not much. I don't think I can base an essay on a thesis like, "OMFG HamletHoratio slash is teh hotness if it's Ethan Hawke and that other guy and one time saccarineayako did Ophelia and she fucking rocked out as a crazy girl."

I swear to god, this play leaves me so cold it is not even funny. I mean, I like it and all, but I have absolutely nothing to say about it. I have no opinions on the story or the characters other than a vague "that sucks, honey," for Ophelia.

I'll probably write some journal entries for Gertrude, or something.

Today was kind of sort of hellish. Studied sociology most of the morning before class so I could get a heads up on the in class essay we had to do instead of getting on AIM and vegging like I wanted to. At one point, Quinn stole my sandwich, and I threatened him with bodily harm if he didn't give it the hell back. ---This should have been my main indication that I would get horrendous cramps in the middle of sociology, with nary a painkiller in sight. I managed to get through Public Speaking and then told my math teacher that I was sick and therefore leaving. Luckily it was only a review class, so he was cool with it.

Joe found me as I was leaving Academic and I dragged him with me to the library before we went back to the Lookout. Thankfully, Jason was there and showed me a magical vending machine with Tylenol in it. That was a very, very good thing; I think if I had just crashed on the couch without the Tylenol then I would have wound up puking all over Quinn or something.

After a while everyone took off. Jason went over to Academic to look for Manda, and I was all by myself until Doug and Mike came along. The point to that whole conversation was that Quinn is hot.

Caught the bus with Jason2 and Paul, but Jason and Manda missed the bus. That was okay because I wound up missing the first B'ville bus because Paul was putting songs onto my iPod with his laptop, bless him a thousand times over and I hope he wins the lottery. As I was crossing the street to catch the bus, who should I see but Manda and Jason! Much rejoicing and a coffee coolatta.

Cooked up plans on the bus with Jason. This could be great, or it could be a disaster. Possibly both.

And now here I am, trying to figure out what the fuck to write about Hamlet. I'm going to be up all night with this.


Oh yeah... I have to revise my Komachi paper for class tomorrow, too. And do my CRJ extra credit assignment. And study chem. Maybe I'll just fail that on purpose, though, and take it over again or something?

*keeps right on dying*

medical, occ, literature, camillus

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