Sneaky has never been so wonderful

Apr 18, 2005 08:14

I went to the archery range to practice yesterday. No, really, I did. Honest. I most certainly did not tell my dad that I needed the truck to go Onondaga Lake Park Archery Range and then take off in the opposite direction to visit neko_quinn at work under the pretense of buying a pretzel.

(Wal-Mart carries guns. Lots of them. But when you ask for arrows, the guy behind the gun counter will look at you like you're either crazy or a criminal but probably both and then carefully explain, as if to a child, that they don't carry arrows. You'll roll your eyes and bemoan the fact that you can't perpetuate your cycle of meaningless violence for the day and walk away to buy some embroidery needles.)

I picked up the opera tickets on Friday afternoon. I dragged Quinn downtown with me, which turned out to be not such a good idea as his coat got stolen. Bugger. But the rest of the day was great. We amazed the opera box office lady by getting not one... not two... but TEN college students to go to see an opera. Apparently this is amazing. After that we wandered around a couple of cathedrals and the Galleries for a while. Then he caught the bus to go to work (*sob*) and I sat around on the bus stop for a while, listening to the Radiohead CD that he left in my CD player by accident and thinking about Nightwish and Phantom of the Opera.

I took Kelsey to see Sin City on Saturday. *shakes head* She thought that Elijah Wood eating people was just about the hottest thing ever. I love that kid- she's so offbeat. We also watched Empire and Jedi; kind of as a Star Wars refresher course, I guess. (But Empire SO rocks.) Unfortunately, my cold came back, possibly due in part to taking a three-hour, get-it-all-off-your-chest rant walk with Nick on Saturday night. I'm pretty sure his parents thought I was a nut when I showed up at his house. I was out for a run and in the neighborhood, so I'd figure I'd stop by, since I missed talking to him on Friday, and I was all out of breath and sweaty. "Hi. *gaspwheeze* Is- *gaspwheeze* Nick *gaspwheeze* *pant*" Then I dragged him out for said walk.

Sunday started out evil and then got wonderful and then sucked again. Not enough sleep and too many kids. In between the kids I was trying (and succeeding, mostly) to memorize page 62 in my chemistry notebook. BLAH. But things started to look up when we got home- it turns out that Kelsey had a pair of bikini bottoms that were plain black. This is wonderful because I have a black bikini top, but for some reason, never bought any bottoms for it. So after I got back from running, on went the bikini and out came the chemistry notebooks and I set up in the back yard in an effort to get a tan. It worked for me- which is to say, I now have tan lines but am still the whitest person in the world. So unless you can see the tan lines (you can't) I still light up any room I walk into.

Then I comandeered the truck. I was going to go to the park, I really, really was. But I remembered that I was down on arrows, so I figured I'd go buy some. And at that point it was easier [I am fully aware that this is a stretch, yes] to drive over to Fairmount vs. Rt. 31 to get more. And, you know, those pretzels... once you want one, nothing will stop you until you have it. Yep.

Okay. So maybe I never made it to the archery range. Maybe I used the time as an excuse to make moo eyes over a counter in between quasi-watching my favorite parts of Return of the King. Maybe I was making out in the middle of a busy parking lot without making it to the car, and not realizing it until we almost got run over. Maybe, just a little, my world is turning upside down.

Well, maybe more than a little.

And after all that? I went home, took two Benadryl, and fell over.

[ETA: Got the highest grade in the class on my Criminal Justice test- go me. Grade still wasn't that high- not go me. I only got a B. Phooey... but what do I expect? I've been so busy studying for chemistry that I totally forgot we had a test in CRJ and I didn't read the last chapter. B ain't bad for winging it. Anyway, twenty minutes until chemistry, so I'm going to go kill time in Ferrante.

Dammit, this skirt means I can't collapse on the floor in front of the classroom.]

quinn, occ, weapons, hurr boys

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