CSI ficlet.

Jan 31, 2005 12:30

Crossposted to the Grissom and Sara Livejournal Community

Grissom/Sara. What does Grissom see in the cards for his future with Sara? AU; Post-Butterflied. One-shot.

Rated R for violent imagery and dark themes.
Suggested Soundtrack: “Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine” by The Killers.


“Would you like to have dinner with me?”

He looks at her a moment, considers her offer.

i: the lovers

She would never guess where he got the strips of silk that bound her delicate wrists, connecting her to his bed. He has no intention of telling her; they both know that whatever they have, it was not a thing without secrets. He isn’t sure that he could make her understand what it is that he has to know; the question, along with everything else, eludes him. He isn’t satisfied with any of the answers the night is providing him with until Sara, slowly riding him, leans over his chest to lay delicate kisses along his neck, her arms stretched out behind her, held back by her constraints. In their soft rhythm, she captures perfectly the fragile motion of a butterfly’s wings.

ii: the tower

He loves to watch her work, the steady dance of bending over to pick up a piece of evidence, the way her arm moves as she places it in an envelope. At first he was careful not to stare, to put her on separate cases. But those boundaries have long eroded. These days, he can’t bear to have her out of his sight for a second.

She pretends not to notice the way his eyes follow her every movement. At first it was charming; their stolen glances would set her heart to racing. Now people are talking and the ice is getting thinner. Sooner or later, she muses, we’re going to fall through. She thinks about the application for transfer to the day shift that she left on Ecklie’s desk.

iii: the wheel of fortune

He had been furious with her, of course. And it hadn’t flown, on any level. Ecklie wouldn’t have her and Grissom wouldn’t let her go. They had talked about it, later, while they were tangled in his sheets and couldn’t escape from it. And he had promised to let up a little bit. Sara clings to that promise, desperately. It’s the only thing that’s giving her the hope of any air.

Curled protectively around her, Grissom murmurs his love into her hair and the back of her neck. Sara squeezes his hands where they lay over her hip, but her there is barely noticeable distraction in her voice when she answers him, and her eyes are watching the door.

iv: the devil

He creeps up behind her after her shower, waiting for her to swipe the steam from the mirror with the flat over her hand. She sees him in the watery reflection and gasps slightly, started. Her look of surprise softens into a smile as he presses up against her back. Holding her, he lets the seconds and minutes slip past them. Hold still enough, and time wouldn’t see you there, hiding. And it's wonderful. Until she pulls away.

“I won’t let you go, Sara,” he tells her, painting patterns in the moisture that coats her skin with his finger as her eyes widen.

v: the fool

It was easier than he’d thought it would be. The smile, her beautiful, brilliant smile, hadn’t left her lips, not even as he ran the blade home, pushing it into her chest all the way up to the hilt. Her knees had buckled, and he lowered them both to the warm tile of the bathroom floor. Her hands had fluttered against his shoulders and the sides of his face as her strength failed. Tears had fallen from his eyes, washing away the tiny trickle of blood that spilled from her lips. When he kissed her, she’d whispered his name into his mouth; the only response he could give was to run his fingers through her damp hair and kiss her harder. When he pulled back, she’d gone, her eyes fixed somewhere on the ceiling. Still smiling.

Grissom smiled, too. He would never have to let her go… not now. Sara was his. Forever.

She looks at him, waiting for his answer.

“No,” he says.


Author's Note: I took some liberties with the timeline. Playing with Fire takes place after Butterflied, but in a vague sort of way. Spoilers for both episodes.

fiction, csi

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