Fate can be cruel, sometimes.

Jan 12, 2005 15:29

For instance, the other night Andy beat Kelsey at LOTR Trivial Pursuit.

I actually won (wow, big suprise.../sarcasm) but Kelsey and Andy decided to play it out all the way to the end. Poor Kelse. And she got all the stupid questions, too- "Who owns the magical mirror in Lothlorien? Where did Frodo wake up after the Ringwraith stabbed him?" and Andy still beat her. After he won she just sat there, staring at the board like she couldn't believe it.

This is actually pretty funny, because Kelsey is not only as big of a geek as I am, but she has a photographic memory, and thus has every line from every extended edition memorized. Andy couldn't remember Gollum's name at one point, and he kept getting questions that had to do with obscure Theoden quotes. Of course Mom and Dad made all kinds of cracks about writing this incident down on the calendar. Poor kid's still kind of in shock. I guess I'm mean even telling you guys about it, but I owe her one for the nickname incident. Payback is sweet. Heh.


Dragged Mom to the store last night so I could make some Christmas gift exchanges. I got a new tiara, since the one Mom got originally was too tall. It's so sweet :) It's a Russian style tiara, which means that the top curves in a half circle as opposed to coming to a central point. It's the style most reminiscent of the kokoshnik, the traditional Russian headdress that the modern tiara is based on. And it's very comfortable and lightweight, which means that I can sit through an opera without getting a headache for once. SCORE!

Also traded in the Random Rap CD for U2's "How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb." I've been listening to this album constantly since last night, and I just about love it to pieces. I agree with Karen about the GS-ish songs. A lot of them strike me as such, or as songs that would fit well in that ship. But then, I was thinking about that in the shower this morning, and decided that I'm the type of person who makes things into what they want them to be. If my current fandom obsession was still Dark Angel, you can bet that this album would strike me as totally Max/Logan. *ponders* Which, now that I think about it, it does.


I wrote a poem last night. This isn't that odd, since I'm constantly writing things like poems and stories in my head, but I actually got up and wrote this one down, so I didn't lose it, or most of it. It's odd what eyeliner and lipstick can inspire in you. Or rather, the lack of motiviation to wash it off once you've put it on, because you're too lazy.

Haven't decided whether or not to post it in here. Might. Might not.

...I love Jorja to death, but my new green necklace is way prettier than hers. Okay, she's not allowed to dress herself anymore, hmmm?

family, music, bville, poetry, tiaras

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