One more week until life starts up again

Jan 08, 2005 17:23

I love Puccini's music, but he puts his heroines through so much shit. It's really kind of ridiculous. I particularly like the one (Manon Lescarut? I think?) where she dies of dehydration in the desert outside of New Orleans.

You see, I wasn't aware that there was a desert outside of New Orleans.

And Turandot is a psychotic ice princess bitch, but I love her anyways.

One of these days, post new computer and post getting photoshop, I'm planning on making a CSI icon set (primarily Grissom/Sara) with the lyrics from Madama Butterfly on them. Particularly the "pin me down" scene, with the lyrics "I hold you, trembling... You're mine." I can't remember the Italian for that, except "you're mine" which is "sei mia."

Speaking of which, Does anyone else think that Sara's mellowed out a bit? Makes me kind of wonder what she did on her vacation. We know that she took one after the Bloodlines fiasco, so I'm kind of assuming that that was a rock-bottom type of point for her. As far as Season 5 goes, she's a lot more laid back than she's ever been, and she seems kind of sad all the time. But a good sadness, if that makes any sense. She smiles a lot more now than she used to; she seems a billion times more relaxed. Even when she was relatively happy in Season 1 and 2, she was always intense. Now she's just kind of chill. Or maybe that's just me? At any rate, I love the way the character is developping.

Had another weird CSI dream again the other night. Long story short, I dreamed that the team was a Jang circle. For those of you who don't know what that is, I suggest you read Tanith Lee's "Biting The Sun." It's like The Matrix, but so much prettier. Anyway, Jang are the teenager type people. In my dream, Grissom and Sara had gotten married for an afternoon or something, and he was being a real ass to her- but whenever anyone else was mean to her, he would smack them around and get real pissed about it. They were all kind of sitting there, and all of a sudden Sara gets a nosebleed, except it's not blood, it's chocolate. Everyone just ignored her, and she just said, "Yeah, I'm dying. I expect I'll be dead in about fifteen minutes or so. It's no big deal." And she's trying to talk through this chocolate hemorraging through her nose, and it's getting all over her electric blue corset. I remember her top because I woke up wishing I had one just like it. (Sans chocolate.) Oh yeah, and everyone had Memento-style tattoos.

I need to stop dreaming. There was the dream about my boss from CCE and the vampire pomeranians, but I'm not even going to go into that.

Billy Petersen/Grissom question: Does Billy Petersen have lots of tattoos? A friend's mother said he did, and I've been curious ever since.


I need new shoes.


I need new ballet shoes, too. I really want canvas flats, with a double cross elastic. I was looking at these new ones that just came out that are two pieces, since my arches are horrible and when I have shoes on you can't really see them, but I don't think it's worth it at this point. With my luck, they'll keep falling off my feet.


My transcript finally came in the mail. My English teacher handed in his grades late, so that's why it wasn't up on the STAR system when I called in on Christmas.

English: A
Algebra: A
Biology: B
French: B+

GPA: 3.390

Yeah. Rock my world.


Random Phantom of the Opera notes:

~ Raoul is really hot when he's half drowned, tied up, and distressed. Other than that, he leaves me cold.

~ Christine has Magical Disappearing and Reappearing Makeup. She gets points for riding sidesaddle, but loses them for showing the tops of her garters, the tart!

~ Love the "Let's kill Buquet!" scene. I echo Karen in her opinion that the way Erik and Buquet were intercut with the ballet going on below was awesome.

~ I was looking forward to the swordfight, but it kind of sucked. Too many close ups and moving the camera around- that really detracted from it; you couldn't see what was going on half the time.

~ I loved the way they added little pieces from the book.

~ I also loved Mme. Giry. She totally kicked ass and OMG I want her Masquerade outfit SOBAD. I thought it was great how they made her into kind of a sassy younger version of herself, as opposed to other productions, when she's a hardcore ballet mistress with a really tight bun and a walking stick. Which is what she really is, when you think about it, but I love this characterization of her.

~ And Erik beat Raoul to the grave in the end. WHO'S THE PUNK NOW, BITCH?!?!?!!? Muah ha ha.

...*facepalm* And now I have to go home. Bugger.

I so need my computer back.

ballet, opera, occ, dreams, csi, movies

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