I need coffee. Coffee or death.

Aug 18, 2004 10:33

Okay, no more listening to Amanda Rogers while I fall asleep.

Something I’ve discovered about myself: the music I sleep to generally dictates what kind of dreams I’ll have. I’ve been listening to Amanda a lot lately, but not after I go to bed. However, I was lazy yesterday and didn’t feel like going all the way downstairs to get my Village soundtrack out of my bag, so I put her in.

Then I dreamed that [xxx] and I were supposed to get married, but he died the day before the wedding. So I was really grief stricken/pissed, and I was bitching about him while walking around through the hotel kitchens, wondering what to do with all the food, the flowers, so on and so forth. People kept trying to talk to me but I wouldn’t listen to them. Finally Anna and Jeannette pulled me aside and explained things to me- [xxx] wasn’t dead, I was. I was the one who had died, after getting cancer a couple of months before. So it was my fault that the wedding was off, and [xxx] was crying at home. At which point my hands and then my arms and then the rest of me went see-through, and I floated away.

Mom and I watched Cold Mountian last night and laughed our asses off through the whole thing. Like that part when he gets shot in the ear? Hysterical. Or when the old guy dies? We cracked up. The sex scene was the best, though. Between Renee Zellweger’s character and all the weird angle butt shots… we almost wet our pants laughing. Yeah, that’s real mother-daughter bonding time I guess; laughing through a Civil War drama. -_-

Although the Porch Kiss goes on my list of Great All Time Movie Kisses.

In other news, I got registered for all my classes at OCC. I missed two that I wanted, since I registered so late, but at least I got into a biology class. So now I’m in Bio, Math, English, and French. Yay, go me. I suppose. Now I have to get a job.

Kate’s coming up from Albany today to go to all her post-surgery doctor’s appointments this weekend. I’m going to make her watch Last of the Mohicans with me. wOOt!

Take the quiz: "Which God or Goddess are you?"

God of Beautiful Death
Elegant, regal, and beautiful. You accept death for what it is, and unavoidable part of life. You often feel higher than others, more mature or sane, and tend to wear dresses and skirts if your a girl, or collared shirts if you're a boy. You bring those who have died a peaceful death to their resting place.

Tom, here is another version of this for you.

Did you ever see a hearse go by/
and think some day you're going to die?/
They put you in a wooden box/
and cover you over with dirt and rocks/
The worms crawl in/
The worms crawl out/
in your stomach/
and out your mouth/
There was one little worm who wasn't so shy/
went in your ear and out your eye!"

My japanese name is 清水 Shimizu (clear water) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

quiz, dreams, lyrics, school, movies

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