[Insert witty title here]

Dec 07, 2003 12:32

I finally got my confirmation number. Step one is out of the way. Now we just have to get there, get the tickets, sign in or whatever.... then get back....

Me and my fucking bright ideas, right?

Gah. Kelsey's friends left. Things are getting back to normal, or the closest thing to it. I did my laundry, but this means that I have to put all of my clean clothes away. But then I get to re make the bed and go to sleep for a bit.

Except I don't, because I've got costume stuff to work on. And my application essay to write. And some other stuff to write- my own little essays and stories that I keep meaning to type up and put into this journal.

In other news, we've decided not to do Chinese on Christmas this year. Ming doesn't own the restaurant anymore, so it won't be the same. Lobster is currently being discussed. (Regardless of the fact that I don't eat it. Oh, well. I'll make myself something else.) Everyone picking one dish is also being discussed- Dad wants lobster, kelsey wants bourbon chicken and trinity rice, etc. Then everyone shares.

We'll see.

Off to work on costume now.

Fish update: Still alive, though sleeping on the gravel. However, is moving etc. Go me.
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