Turkey Dinner, Friday Nite, 5PM. Y'ALL COME!!!

Sep 19, 2003 20:50

Sign as seen in front of some Methodist church in LaFayette.

Wow. Haven't updated in a while. This is due in part to the fact that nothing interesting has been going on in my life, apart from the whole Ken/idiot thing. I've just been working, and sleeping, and wandering aimlessly around town at odd hours of the night, enjoying the winds that we're getting here as a result of Isabel.

But onto the Ken/idiot thing.

Ken= Supermarket manager. Feather's boss, although she doesn't pay any attention to him; has no experience managing and thinks that he can lead people on by not telling them so; thinks he is hot shit and is not; might or might not be a liar and a thief. Also take shameless advantage of people, plays favorites, and hires odd personages to staff said supermarket.

So, the other day, I called him out in front of the deli and told him he was an idiot.

Of course he went into a screaming rage. Men are like that- tell them that they're a pompous ass not worth the powder to blow them to hell it rolls off them; tell them that they're an idiot and you might as well say that their genitalia is so miniscule that it might as well belong to a squirrel and be found lacking even by squirrel standards.

Well, he is an idiot, and an asshole, and he's a complete and utter moron if he thinks he's fooling anybody. But whatever. Usually I just keep my mouth shut about anything at work, but he's working my mother into the ground and refuses to get help back there. Again, whatever. Joanie was all, "You and your mother are going to get fired." Ha. Then he'd have to pay the unemployment insurance. *smirk* Like he's going to fire anyone.

All this happened...the day before yesterday, I guess? And it's starting to get around the store now. Mom was working today, and some cashier came up to her and said, "Did you hear what happened? The dark haired lady in the bakery told Ken that he was a fucking idiot!"

(Note: Not once did a profanity pass my lips. I'm better at insulting people than that. But it was cool- I'm 'the dark haired lady' lol.)

So Mom was like, "Fucking idiot?" (I'd told her the day it happened.) She's a hardcore stickler on not swearing, so her eyebrows were raised at that. Jeannine was passing and heard, and she thought that 'dark haired lady' meant Joanie (who swears almost as bad as my dad.) But the cashier said no, it was the other dark haired lady, and Jeannine was all, "You mean HEATHER???" So she was shocked, but thrilled. Mom said she did the thumbs up dance thing.

Have become story legend/sometime martyr; go me.

Random Joanie quote:

"Yeah, well maybe they wouldn't gang up on her if she wasn't such a BEACHED BABY WHALE!!!"

~shouted after Lori (the nebulous person) who, apparently, is getting ganged up on.

In other news, I've budgeted my money. I got a huge paycheck this week, so Traviata is taken care of, I've got fifty dollars for costume expenses, and fifty to just spend on whatever I want. WOO!

Also worked out my Luthien costume plan. Will be very cool. I don't know- no matter how many times I read the Silmarillion, that whole part with Luthien and Beren's first meeting doesn't remind me of anything particularly European. Rather it reminds me of India, and the Ramayana. Kind of. So my design in kind of Indian-influenced, as opposed to Medieval. We'll see- I have to go buy the pattern tomorrow.

I have to go to bed now, since I have to work. But I'm working with Mom, so it will be fun. We always yell and blast music as loud as we want. Who's going to complain, at four in the morning?

Random note: Last night I dreamed that I was searching for saltine crackers, and I really, really wanted them, but the only people who would give me any food were a few models in a pickup truck, and they would only give me porridge.

I hope I have better dreams tonight.

costuming, bakery, dreams

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