Rambling, rambling, over the bounding... highway???

May 11, 2003 17:26

Okay. So my biggest problem lately-aside from the usual financial issues and whatnot- has been sleeping. I haven’t been able to fall asleep, and I’ve brought it on myself.

You might think it concerned my fascination with Macbeth, considering all the trouble they have in that play with sleeping and insomnia and everything else that comes with murder and mayhem. True, I’ve been working on doing a modern-type version of Macbeth, but this isn’t the reason for my sleepless nights.

No, I can blame this one squarely on Legolas.

Or, more specifically, this poster of Legolas, which is about four feet square and hanging directly over my bed.

You know, the one that every time I passed it in the mall, I would kind of slow down and stop and giggle incoherently. With a really, really stupid grin on my face.

Well, now it’s over my bed and I’m done for. I giggle when I wake up, I giggle when I go to sleep at night. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The weird thing is the way the next door neighbor’s security light shines right thought my window, only illuminating Legolas’s face.

I can’t sleep at night because Legolas is staring at me.

What a wonderful dilemma to find myself in. I’d move it except there’s no place else to put it. I guess I’ll just have to get used to Legless staring at me when I’m trying to sleep.

Or, I could just go and buy a gun and shoot the neighbor’s light out. Yep. That would solve a lot of problems.


See, I find this whole “Orlando Bloom Crush” think interesting, but at the same time, annoying. He’s SO not my type. Why, then, does just looking at him cause me to go into some sort of fangirl-sugar-coma? *shudder* Damn hormones. Or damn-lust-center-of-my-brain. Whichever.

But out of Orlandocuriosity, I went to a couple of his fansites. Nothing really interesting, except this compatability thing which I find hysterical.

99% physically compatible
22% emotionally compatible

There was more- 88% intellectually compatible or something- but who cares about that.

He’s not my type. He gets all… emotional and stuff. (Except for the sex. Yeah, hook me up with that.)

But enough about Helicopter Boy.

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone’s moms. Buy them flowers. That is your mission. Jeannette and her Troop sent my mom flowers via flowers.com from the DMZ in Korea... Mom started to cry, she was so touched. They all look forward to her letters and I think they've kind of adopted her.

And congratulations to darkshade and marilita who graduated!

Weather note: It is really FUCKING COOL outside. Windy. Black clouds with a yellow sky close to the horizon… my type of weather. Please excuse me, I’m about to have a come to Jesus meeting with a thunderstorm. I’ll be back, and finish this update, later.

lotr, hurr boys

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